I get Migraines!!! UGH! What TO EAT? WHAT TO EAT?

Hello all!!! Does anyone else out there get migraines??? I unfortunately suffer from very chronic migraines and therefore I am sick alot very sensitive to A LOT of foods. It makes this journey even more challenging than it already is! I am having troubles finding things I can have that will not make me sick. Just wondering if there is anyone else that has this issue or similiar issues and can help me!! Your support is very much appreciated! THANK YOU!


  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, I do! When I started eating healthier a month ago, I decided to try eating bananas again since I'm on a migraine preventative. Bad move. I gave them up about 5 days ago, and I feel so much better! My other food triggers are red wine and orange soda. It sucks, but having a migraine sucks more, imo. What kind of food triggers do you have?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    The standard triggers are chocolate, citrus, nuts (esp. peanuts), caffeine, cheese.

    My migraines were chronic until menopause. I had good meds, but mine were mostly caused by hormones and barometric changes.

    I had a journal for three years tracking what I ate, the barometric pressure, and where I was in my monthly (female) cycle.

    Try that, it may help you pinpoint triggers.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes, though I haven't had one since I got into running. I find I get them if I get dehydrated, or have too much caffeine (more than about 6 cups of tea a day).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I get them once a month but they are hormone related not food. There are common triggers, but you might need to try an elimination diet to see what your triggers are. Ask your doctor about it.