Hungry all the time

Okay for the past month I haven't been exercising or watching what I eat. long story short, bought new house, been working on that one, and old one to get ready to rent. therefore, been eating take out every night in a rush to get things done afterwork, and no time to exercise since working non-stop.

Now this week, I have slowly been trying to get back into logging my food, and next week plan on being fully back in the game with exercising. However this week, I have been starving. I'm having hard time, in between meals. I feel hungry all the time.

Is this normal when you try to get back into a routine? or something with my body being used to all the junk it's been getting the past few weeks? I so miss my home cooked meals. I can't wait to get them back next week. and I just realized I haven't really had any fruits or vegetables in the past 2 weeks either. Could that be the problem? I also noticed I'm tried. like I'm at work and tired. which I was thinking it was because I have been so busy and going on 4-5hrs sleep. Super busy. However now I was thinking maybe it's been my diet?


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Without knowing what you're eating my guess would be you are eating lots of carbs and not enough protein.

    I think it's normal for your body to "adjust" to a different level of eating, but if you are really aware of what you're putting in your body, you can avoid feeling awful and empty.