Who likes the CRUNCH of a radish? Healthy benefits below

lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
Many people may not realize it, but radishes (known as daikens in some parts of the world) offer many health and nutritional benefits. Not only are the roots of these cruciferous vegetables nutritious, but so are their leaves. The leaves of the radish plant actually contain more Vitamin C, protein and calcium than their roots. They have been used to treat kidney and skin disorders, fight cancer and even soothe insect bites.

Radish is rich in folic acid, Vitamin C and anthocyanins. These nutrients make it a very effective cancer-fighting food. It is said that radish is effective in fighting oral cancer, colon cancer and intestinal cancer as well as kidney and stomach cancers.

Radishes contain Vitamin C, zinc, B-complex vitamins and phosphorus. All of these are very effective in treating skin disorders such as rashes and dry skin. Mashed raw radish can be used as a soothing and refreshing face pack. Dieters can benefit greatly from radishes, as they are low in calories, cholesterol and fat. They also contain a lot of roughage and contain a lot of water. Because of its high roughage content, it is also very useful in treating both piles and constipation. Radish juice helps to soothe the digestive system and detoxify the body.

Radish helps to relieve congestion within the respiratory system, making it an excellent food for asthmatics and those who suffer from bronchial infections and sinus problems. It is beneficial for both the gallbladder and liver functions, as it acts as a cleanser. It contains sulphur based chemicals, which regulate the production and flow of bilirubin and bile, enzymes and acids and also help remove excess bilirubin from the blood. This makes it an excellent detoxifying agent for the body. It protects and soothes the gallbladder and liver, while protecting them from infections.

It is also highly effective in treating jaundice, as it is able to halt the destruction of red blood cells and to increase the supply of oxygen to the blood. For this treatment however, the black radish is preferred.

Radish is a natural diuretic. This makes them effective in preventing and fighting urinary tract infections. Radish juice helps to cure the burning feeling during urinary tract or bladder infections, as it is an excellent kidney cleanser.


  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I love Radishes...and did not know all of this! The other good thing is they are very easy to grow! They are usually the first things popping up in my veggie garden!
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you Ims, I've been waiting for this post for years.

    I love radishes and can eat a whole bag in one sitting. I eat several bags a week.

    Never eaten the leaves though, will look out those with leaves next time.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    I can destroy a field of radishes in a heart beat.
  • lms32164
    lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you Ims, I've been waiting for this post for years.

    I love radishes and can eat a whole bag in one sitting. I eat several bags a week.

    Never eaten the leaves though, will look out those with leaves next time.


    You are welcome. I love learning new things about healthy foods! I think if we plant a garden I may try the greens in my green smoothie!