THAT many calories!



  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I've had that type of thing happen from time to time - I eat or drink something and find out there were more calories in it than I thought. But I don't stress about it - instead I learn from it and move on.

    There's a bakery a block or so from my apartment that has these amazing cinnamon rolls that you can see and smell as you walk past their front window. I almost got one recently, but got a good estimate as to the calorie hit by looking up a comparable roll from Cinnabon. Keeping THAT number in mind makes it a lot easier for me to keep from walking IN the bakery, regardless of how good it smells.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Wow, that is a lot and I bet it was good!

    I hate feeling guilty over things I ate but this one is not your fault dear, but next time you know.

    Wow, I am glad I read this because that is something I would do too. If I am going to eat a 500 calorie cookie, I at least wanna know about it first.
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    It's always good to check before you eat. I almost never eat something that I don't have a ballpark idea of what the calories are.

    While I agree with your post, I just have to geek out that your ticker and profile pic are Diablo III - Are you not SO STOKED?!?

    Sorry, but to original topic. When hubby and I go shopping now, I look at the labels for EVERYTHING. Dean & Deluca have some of the most amazing cookies, but they're a no go for now because of how terrible they are for us. *sigh*
  • adelareto
    adelareto Posts: 20
    I didn't even know they had those.....Thank you I will try them!!
  • ff1diver
    ff1diver Posts: 30 Member
    Sometimes we have urges that we just have to satisfy....the key is not to do it everyday!