Allergic to fruit and raw veg! HELP



  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    No One shoot me here but .. I would reccomend a low carb diet for you. If you cant really have fruits and veggies anyway get yourself a good fiber supplement and get on the low carb train :-) youll def. lose that weight by august if you stick with it and work out!! Godd luck :-)
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Make sure you are eating back the calories you burn running. You want your net calories to be 1200 (calories eaten minus calories burned). Hopefully you have a good heart rate monitor like Polar, to know what you are burning.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    its possible people!!! she needs our help..dont question her!! Anyone watch Dr.oz yesterday????

    Avoid Cross-Reactions

    As many as 1 in 3 seasonal allergy sufferers may experience “oral allergy syndrome” (tingling of the mouth or itchy throat) after ingesting certain foods (apples, pears, carrots, celery, peaches, cherries, as well as almonds and hazelnuts). If you have seasonal tree pollen allergies, this is due to a cross-reaction between the proteins in these foods and the pollens. Melons, tomatoes and oranges may cross-react with grass pollens. If you are sensitive to weed pollens watch out for melon, chamomile tea, and banana.
  • Megg54
    Megg54 Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds a bit exaggerated however you may want to meet with a nutritionist. I don't think it will cost as much as chocolate or chips and soda. You may need to go organic on your vegies. I know when I cut out just cheese I lost 7 pounds. Or if you are drinking you can cut that out.
    good luck
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Basically its an allergy to blossom, the blossom gets inside the fruit and veg like peppers and carrots thus causing a reaction. I have to take fenofexadine three times daily. Generally I can eat fruit and veg cooked which will just result in uncomfortable bowel movement. I can eat satsumas/clemintines and bananas and thats about it on the fruit front. Veg is not so bad but peppers, carrots and raw potatoes will affect me if I peel or cut up, for example cutting up potatoes and i rubbed my eye, my eyes closed through all the swelling. Its bizare

    Wow, you're very lucky that you were able to be tested to determine what was causing your issues. I guess I'd say try to eat as much cook veg as you can so that you get the nutrients from them. Focus on your calorie intake as well as your fat and try to stay within range. Good luck!
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    I know you're feeling about being allergic to raw fruits and veggies! It's not all of them, but it's most of them! I talked to my doctor about it and she said it happens because when you're eating them raw they are a lot harder to digest and when they are cooked you're breaking down a lot of it so it's easier on your system. My problem is I don't really like cooked veggies, and you can't cook a fruit!! The more I eat them the better it gets for me, but if you get a really bad reaction from them I would try to find an alterative so you don't get sick!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    I too am allergic to about 98% of fruit & quite a few vegetables, thought I was the only one considering how many idiots I've met in my lifetime who seem to think it's a big joke! I really wish these people would have an allergic reaction to experience the pain, instead of thinking we just don't like the damn stuff. My lips & tongue tingle & go bright red, stomach upset & let's add hives just for the fun of it, shall we! I can't even eat fruit yogurt & let's forget about the wine!

    The worst fruit reaction I have is to an orange or grapefruit, this will itch, blister then burn the skin off my lips & inside my mouth & all the way down. I do not have a gluten allergy, I do have allergies to pesticides as well as the probability of OAS. The later usually manifests due to the individual having a seasonal allergy to various trees. I happen to also be allergic to all trees, lucky me! Cooking can often times eliminate some of the problem with OAS, however I don't want to try to figure out how to cook an orange just to see if I have a reaction or not.

    It makes it more difficult to lose weight because we can't have a piece of fruit as a snack & these aren't the only allergies I have. Add to that, no sweeteners, or yellow dye (this usually includes cooking sprays) & that's just in the food line. All I can do is use portion control.
  • midge19uk
    midge19uk Posts: 17
    Apparently allergies work in a 7 year cycle, this hit me at 22. Before 22 I ate my 5 a day plus more, lol ironically I love fruit. I have tried to do this before but it didn't work, may look at doing it again though as many people have recommended it
  • midge19uk
    midge19uk Posts: 17
    Thank you for all your advice, I will definately try organic foods as it could well be pestisides. I have always suffered badly with hayfever so maybe when my immune system was down it was a trigger or something, I don't know i'm not a doctor. Been thinking about seeing a nutritionalist for a long time andf kinesology! (excuse spelling). Tomorrow I will be steaming veg and trying organic foods...with a bottle of piriton close by!
  • I work with kis with autism so I totally understand the exhaustion part, I make myself workout in the morning so that I cant blow it off at the end of the day. I also have a family member with allergies like yours, cook your veggies (I like grilled). Just keep it up though. 7 pounds is great, so stay positive.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Basically its an allergy to blossom, the blossom gets inside the fruit and veg like peppers and carrots thus causing a reaction. I have to take fenofexadine three times daily. Generally I can eat fruit and veg cooked which will just result in uncomfortable bowel movement. I can eat satsumas/clemintines and bananas and thats about it on the fruit front. Veg is not so bad but peppers, carrots and raw potatoes will affect me if I peel or cut up, for example cutting up potatoes and i rubbed my eye, my eyes closed through all the swelling. Its bizare
    ok sounds like you are allergic to nightshades- tomatoes, peppers, eggplant , potatoes.. and most fruit.. then I would say just don't eat the foods you can't.. there are plenty of other veggies out there. broccoli, cauliflower, celery, greens, brussels sprouts.etc.. Eat them cooked if you can't handle them raw.. as far as the fruit just eat the ones you can without a reaction... have you ever heard of the GAPS diet.. it promotes healing in the gut and a lot of people who have gone on it have healed their food intolerences.. google GAPS diet or message me if have more questions
  • midge19uk
    midge19uk Posts: 17
    This is an interesting article for fellow sufferers
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    I'm finding this an interesting read. Yes I'm definitely aware of relatively common allergies to some fruit and berries & certain veggies. But at the same time there are many that report certain raw vegan or other vegetarian diets like the Gerson Therapy to calm the immune system and improve or eliminate allergies. Personally I'm having some but limited success with a highly restricted vegetarian diet for respiratory allergies. But then I've only been doing this a few months and have been very strict only recently.

    One thing I do know is that allergies are much more complicated than the obvious instant large-scale histamine response everyone thinks of. In addition to the other ideas posed here it's possible you're exposed to something else that is priming your system and putting your immune system in overdrive. If you can isolate that less obvious trigger it may lessen or stop other reactions.

    So in my case, for example, since dropping dairy it now appears I'm no longer allergic to my dog. The obvious thing would be to get rid of the dog because I couldn't even groom or pet her. I was miserable all the time and never saw instant spikes in symptoms after having dairy. In reality the less obvious & delayed dairy allergy was amplifying multiple other triggers. Only now that I'm less symptomatic are the dairy reactions more obvious when I slip up. I am probably still allergic to dogs but it doesn't seem like that big a deal anymore.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    This is an interesting article about Oral Allergy Symdrome:

    I have an allergic-type reaction to onions, worse when raw than for cooked onions. I have been tested for food allergies with no result and can only assume it is this type of allergy. Cooking helps to reduce the symptoms but does not take them away.

    However, you can certainly eat well and lose weight without consuming a huge variety of fruits and veggies. My husband has lost about 60 pounds in the past year, and he eats very few fruits and veggies. That's by choice, not necessity. Just stick with the things you can eat without problems and do the best you can. Be sure you are taking a good multi-vitamin & mineral supplement to fill in those nutrients you may be missing from your diet.

    It really sounds to be like you may be eating too little, and that may be the reason for your plateau. At your weight, even at your height, you should be able to lose a pound per week eating about 1400 calories. I would recommend going back to the MFP calculator and resetting your goals based on losing one pound per week. Use the guided settings & see where that takes you.

    Wishing you all the best. You can do it! :)
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    It is called Oral Allergy Syndrome. I've had it for over twenty years. When I eat raw fruits and vegetables, or fruits and vegetables that aren't cooked well enough, I have symptoms such as throat itching, swelling, tongue swelling, lips swelling, hives. I am also allergic to most trees and plants. Basically everything that grows and most animals. I can't even eat lettuce without a mild reaction. The more ripe a fruit or veggie is, the worse the reaction. I carry an epi pen and benadryl. Once I ate a kiwi and my lips swelled up like Angelina Jolie and my voiced got very deep like Kathleen Turners. It lasted for a few hours. There have been many times that I've sat around holding my epi pen trying to decide if I was going to need to use it.

    It stinks but I just avoid raw fruits and veggies. Cooking/heating takes away the enzyme that causes our immune system to react. I do eat canned fruit but I rinse it first to clean off the syrup. Heating things like pears and apples in the microwave and then putting a bit of cinnamon on it is good.

    I also have a gluten intolerance but I have been gluten free since 2004 and have not noticed an improvement in the OAS.

    Message or friend me if you'd like.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    can it be you're allergic to the pesticides and such, and not the fruit and vegetables?

    No, it is an enzyme in the fruit and veggies that is destroyed when the food is heated/cooked.
  • its possible people!!! she needs our help..dont question her!! Anyone watch Dr.oz yesterday????

    Avoid Cross-Reactions

    As many as 1 in 3 seasonal allergy sufferers may experience “oral allergy syndrome” (tingling of the mouth or itchy throat) after ingesting certain foods (apples, pears, carrots, celery, peaches, cherries, as well as almonds and hazelnuts). If you have seasonal tree pollen allergies, this is due to a cross-reaction between the proteins in these foods and the pollens. Melons, tomatoes and oranges may cross-react with grass pollens. If you are sensitive to weed pollens watch out for melon, chamomile tea, and banana.

    Woah! I never knew this! I suffered terrible hayfever as a kid, specifically to tree pollen, and still get random outbursts every few years. Probably explains the usually mild reactions i've had to things like apples... my worst though was always avocado. Strangely I can eat it now without problem.
  • zumbamommaof4
    zumbamommaof4 Posts: 32 Member
    I too have fruit allergies and am allergic to some other things too (123 in total). People who are allergic to fruit are also allergic to birch tree pollen. Fruit pectin/enzymes resemble the birch pollen molecules. I have been allergic to tree fruit since I was 16. I cannot eat raw tree fruit or I will have a full anaphylactic episode. I share your pain in not being able to eat fruit. I can eat any veggie though thankfully.
    I hate it when people really don't believe you or think it's all in your head. It really puts a curveball in to healthy eating. If I want a sweet healthy snack I can't just go have an apple. I think that is where my main weight gain started since I have a sweet tooth. I am now down 14lbs and just have to watch my bad carb intake.

    I really sympathize with you and can only imagine the horrible time you have trying to make healthy choices in eating. My thought and prayers go out to you :)
  • PinkSusie52
    PinkSusie52 Posts: 1 Member
    Commonly people who are allergic to many fruits and veggies are allergic to latex. This is a problem that many people suffer from, including myself.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    its possible people!!! she needs our help..dont question her!! Anyone watch Dr.oz yesterday????

    Avoid Cross-Reactions

    As many as 1 in 3 seasonal allergy sufferers may experience “oral allergy syndrome” (tingling of the mouth or itchy throat) after ingesting certain foods (apples, pears, carrots, celery, peaches, cherries, as well as almonds and hazelnuts). If you have seasonal tree pollen allergies, this is due to a cross-reaction between the proteins in these foods and the pollens. Melons, tomatoes and oranges may cross-react with grass pollens. If you are sensitive to weed pollens watch out for melon, chamomile tea, and banana.

    That's what I have. I can't eat more than 1 apple at a time, although things like apple pies are fine(because its cooked). Cherries do this to me too. But I still eat them anyway :)