Entering a Exercice....

What do I put Mountain Biking under??? Hill climbing, intense trekking???
Please someone help


  • FalconSays
    FalconSays Posts: 62
    Hi Jamie,

    I see this was answered in another thread, but here goes.
    Looks like you looked it up and don't see it listed, so you can enter your own, new exercise.
    I would put it in cardiovascular and I always 'guess' my workouts at about avg 10calories burned
    per minute....but then I usually record it as less on my chart, cuz not sure if I actually burned that
    much. It depends on how much I sweat and how much I honestly know what effort I put into it.
    My 60min work-outs I usually log at 400 - 500 calories burned.

    Looks like your mountainbiking (from your other post) is pretty sweaty, but I see another member
    gave you a great site to guage your calorie count too.

    Hope my rambling helped :-)