how do you deal with Trolls on here?



  • Rosiered2
    Rosiered2 Posts: 87 Member
    If something is being said to you in a MEAN way, delete them. If something was being said to you in a constructive way, asking you to take a look at your food diary and re-evaluate your food choices--then listen to them. I mean, this is a tool that we are using for weight loss. I've had people mention to me that I drop off logging on the weekend, that my water intake goes down on the weekend.....not one friend yet has said anything to me to be mean but it did "smart" a little because I realized that they were right. I am not on MFP to just pass some time, I am on here to lose weight and luckily so are some other people.....and the people I've chosen to be "friends" on here are a wonderful support that help me move forward in my weight loss. They aren't part of a popularity contest to see how many friends I can get...........
    Only you know if the person was being mean or really had a point. If they were mean, delete them immediately....if you think there was a grain of truth and something you needed to hear, then listen to them. Growth can be painful sometimes and sometimes we don't like what we hear but it can be really helpful. Good luck!!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    You have two options:

    A) Plan out a horrible scheme involving their death. Make sure the scheme includes the loss of their account, loss of their internet, loss of their home, keying their car, kidnapping their kids, hiring a monkey, making lemonade, having an affair with her husband, embarrassing photos of them, and bankruptcy.


    B) Ignore them.

    I am OK with all of option A, but how do you go about hiring a monkey?

    JobSpot Online.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Wait... you can delete people from your friends list?!

    GET OUT!
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Just because she is skinny doesnt mean she is a troll! Maybe she has been where you are. MFP ticker does not follow you around and account for every ounce! I was under the assumption that was why you left a food diary open was so people would be able to look through it and let you know if there was something messed up in there. If you do not want people looking through your diary then simply close it. Delete the "rude" friends and move on. Life is to short to get all riled over internet junk!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    You have two options:

    A) Plan out a horrible scheme involving their death. Make sure the scheme includes the loss of their account, loss of their internet, loss of their home, keying their car, kidnapping their kids, hiring a monkey, making lemonade, having an affair with her husband, embarrassing photos of them, and bankruptcy.


    B) Ignore them.
    I was so with plan A until the monkey and the lemonade. Does the monkey make the lemonade or help you drink it, and is either option really healthy. Or maybe the monkey is suppose to mix the lemonade with his paw and then one, force feeds the brew to the enemy, but you know the monkey is going to lick off that sugar soaked paw and have weight issues because of you revenge plan!:laugh:

    Having looked more closely into Option A it seems pretty clear that the monkey in question here is Curious George. Now I don't think it'll work becuse I doubt you could convince George to take part in something this obviously nefarious. Hundley maybe. So now I am just sad.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Trolls? Comb their pretty little colored hair then snap their little heads off!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    focus on your REAL friends. I had some of my friends who don't need to lose weight join so they could watch my progress and be encouraging. They are the REAL friends. Maybe even family too.

    some people dont have REAL friends.

    there is usually a reason why.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    You have two options:

    A) Plan out a horrible scheme involving their death. Make sure the scheme includes the loss of their account, loss of their internet, loss of their home, keying their car, kidnapping their kids, hiring a monkey, making lemonade, having an affair with her husband:laugh:
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Just because people tell you what you don't want to hear doesn't mean they are a troll.

    /\ This...

    I try to be *sensitive* and encouraging online, but in reality I want to say "You ate WHAT?!" or "You are FULL of excuses!" In "real-life" my friends and I are showing each other the latest exercises we've come across, or woo-hooing making it through a potential eating land-mine, or telling each other that what we are eating isn't the best choice. Honesty is a good thing!

    I don't know what the OP food diary looks like, but I will say that if one is fairly new to MFP (and wants to be taken seriously) their diary will probably not be full of cokes, chips, donuts, etc. And if someone calls their MFP friend on their diary, that, does not a troll make.

    If a person doesn't want honesty and sincerity from their MFP friends, please make sure that it is known upfront that all you are expecting is WTG...

  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    I think you're mixing up terms here:


    Does not equal


    ..and 'friends' to not verbally attack you if they're genuine, so put that B*atch out of her misery with the delete key
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    You have two options:

    A) Plan out a horrible scheme involving their death. Make sure the scheme includes the loss of their account, loss of their internet, loss of their home, keying their car, kidnapping their kids, hiring a monkey, making lemonade, having an affair with her husband, embarrassing photos of them, and bankruptcy.


    B) Ignore them.

    Having looked more closely into Option A it seems pretty clear that the monkey in question here is Curious George. Now I don't think it'll work becuse I doubt you could convince George to take part in something this obviously nefarious. Hundley maybe. So now I am just sad.

    Cheer up, Swanny.

    At least it's not your common zoo monkey that throws poo at people...................but, then again, THAT could be fun in dealing with trolls!!!!
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Even with someone who is mean and not trying to be helpful I try and look for a grain of truth. If there is, maybe I can learn from it even if painful. If I can't find it then I just don't take to heart what they have to say. After all, if they're mean that says something about them, not about you. So why let it become your problem? Unless there is that grain of truth.

    I don't intend to sound unsympathetic but there are meanies everywhere, on the roads, on the web, in the grocery store. But as a pretty happy person I try not to let them pass their problems on to me.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:
    6. No Intentionally Hurtful Topics

    Topics which are started with the intent to belittle others, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. This includes stalking a poster through the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, or spreading gossip or rumors.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
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