Overweight people putting me down

So, I've notice something more and more lately. As I lose more weight, if I even mention that I've started to exercise or eat healthy or make a healthy food choice around them (especially while at work), it seems overweight women really have a problem with me. They'll start a conversation like, "yeah, I tried a diet once, then I realized I actually wanted to live my life with freedom" or my favorite, "you don't need to do that". It always starts with, "why are you eating Lean Cuisine?" "Why are you eating a salad?"

The best so far was when we were talking about past jobs. I mentioned that when I was 15, I worked at an ice cream shop and put on fifteen pounds in one summer. One of my overweight coworkers looked at me, scoffed and said, "yeah, you could use it."

I'm not a thin person by any means. I'm pretty average. I'm irritated by the looks I get every time I go to lunch and scan things into MFP on my phone. I mean, I'm a big girl and handle it just fine, but I think it's amusing that they feel the need to justify themselves by talking down to me.



  • aminakhan1980
    aminakhan1980 Posts: 105 Member
    I think this is all jealousy. They see that you are living a healthy lifestyle, and you are even more fit than them. They know they should be doing what you are doing, but they don't have the willpower, so they make their excuses like "I want to live my life in freedom". Please, being trapped under loads of extra fat is hardly free. Just ignore them and know that you have chosen to live a healthy lifestyle, which means everything. Good luck!
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    It's sad that others have to make themselves feel better by tearing someone else down. Don't let them get to you. Just do your thang and ignore them! Haterz gonna hate! :heart:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    its certainly an envy issue with these specific women. they just need to get off their butts and man up! maybe take the opprotunity to get them excited about a healthy lifestyle and get them on MFP;)
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    It's really irritating when people can't ust be happy and supportive of you.

    I always get the "You'll blow away in the wind" Really? Have you seen my thighs? I'm anchored down! :)
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Haters gonna hate! I get told the same thing all the time @ work. My doctor even once asked me if I was anoxeric and he proceeded to ask me if I threw up after I ate. He kept questioning me. ****ing *kitten*!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    A friend said to me today that I don't want to get too skinny. If I have a health problem, fat will protect me. My response was muscle will protect me better than fat. Funny all of it really, people's reactions.
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    I think this is all jealousy. They see that you are living a healthy lifestyle, and you are even more fit than them. They know they should be doing what you are doing, but they don't have the willpower, so they make their excuses like "I want to live my life in freedom". Please, being trapped under loads of extra fat is hardly free. Just ignore them and know that you have chosen to live a healthy lifestyle, which means everything. Good luck!
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    There is a difference between large women who are confident and comfortable with themselves and women who are bigger and just hate anyone trying to change from being big. I encourage people who are trying to lose weight and love seeing people succeed. I want to get there one day myself! The only time I would ever speak badly is if they were trying some extreme diet or legal speed diet pills/hcg diet etc. and only because it's not safe.

    I think this is just jealousy and hopefully you can move past letting them get to you because it is SO not worth letting their self hating jealousy make you feel bad for being successful and working hard. I am lucky I do not have this problem though! Everyone encourages me and anyone who gets jealous, which is rare, is just not a true friend! :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    My favorite is, "Why do you bother to exercise, you are so skinny!" I've been getting that one ever since I was a size 14.

    I honestly believe that people who are unwilling and definitely not ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle would just prefer it if everyone else took their lazy unmotivated strategies of life and applied them as well. Perhaps it makes them feel better about themselves when they see that they are not the only ones who haven't committed to being healthy. But whatever it is, just ignore them and remember that you are doing this for you, and that you are the one that is going to be happier and healthier in the end. You may even motivate someone else to start eating better or moving more!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Fit bashing is the latest form of bullying. I'm sorry they're being rude and not taking into account that if you were to start tellin' them how fat they were how they would feel.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I hear you. I had 2 people at work this week accuse me of being anorexic, and another today came up and said my bones were starting to show through my clothes. I'm 5'4" and 135lbs - come on all ready!
  • teponey
    teponey Posts: 10 Member
    Someone once said, others try to extinguish your flame to make theirs burn brighter.
    Unless you are waving you diet under their noses & asking why they are having a super sized meal then Id just start subtley confronting them everytime they make a put down & either when they ask why you are eating XXX go, 'because I want to be heathy' or 'why not, why are you having XX for lunch??" & throw it back at them. Or really put on your big girl knickers & ask why what you eat concerns them so much or why they feel the need to make snarky comments about it.
    probably insecurity/jealousy that you are doing something to make yourself feel good but who knows, we girls can be complex creatures!
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    The truth is, you remind them of every failed attempt, everytime they have started and stopped. The fact that they are not happy and you are closer to being what they desire. They have to justify why it didn't work for them so they ridicule you. I know because I speak from my own experiences. It's hard to watch someone accomplish something that you dreamed of.

    Don't let it get you down and stop your progress. You may be the very one that sparks the desire in them to finally make that change. You maybe a role model.

    I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that some times that's just how people act.

    Keep up your good work.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    People don't like to be faced with walking, talking reminders of their own failures. They know they should be taking care of themselves but they aren't doing it, so they try to make you feel as bad as they do.

    I remember someone else I know getting annoyed about this. She was never really overweight but she's been working out and looks great and is in great shape. She said people at her work always give her a hard time when she passes on cookies or whatever, remarking on how she doesn't need to worry about it, she's so thin, etc. She said she finally snapped and said "Yeah, and how do you think I got this way? I eat healthy and I work out, and I don't eat EVERY cookie that passes in front of me, so I can eat things like that when I really want to without worrying about it!" I think they stopped saying that stuff after that. :)
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    They are self focused. They think if you think you need to lose weight, you must think they are huge. They judge you because they have decided you must be judging them, even though it ISN'T all about them.

    I used to think like that myself. Then, to make a long story short, my good friend was diagnosed with hardening of the arteries on the brain. She is about 50. Too young for this. She has to exercise 90 minutes every day to keep from having a stroke. (We often go to the gym together.) She doesn't look to me like she needs to lose weight, but when she says now she needs to get some of the weight off her hips or arms, I say "whatever motivates you to do what you need to do in order to be healthy." I should have supported friends like that before, whether they were diagnosed with something or not. "Whatever motivates you to be healthy" should be encouraged whether the friend has a condition or not. Good health is more than just a lack of conditions...

    Anyway, I'm not going to kick myself in the @$$ for having been selfish. First of all, I'm not that flexible yet. :laugh: Second of all, my friend's situation has taught me that it isn't all about me. Sadly, I know of no way to share my newfound epiphany with others like me.

    Best wishes on your healthy lifestyle.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Overweight people who want to lose weight are just like bullies that want to be liked. They pick on and put down people to make themselves feel "okay" You just keep on your path. Eating healthy and excercising and being within your normal weight beats being overweight and unhealthy any day. I am a nurse and it kills me to be walking into work behind coworkers and they are huffing and puffing because they are so oveweight....and then they are suppose to tell their patients to lose weight and eat healthy. You keep on your path....you never know some of them may follow your example.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I get a lot of comments, especially from co-workers. I don't look at anything as a "put down", but more as a "they just don't get it". Most people are very nice and tell me I look great, and though I appreciate the compliments, sometimes I wish they could just say something else. I especially have to remember my "they just don't get it" motto when they say things like "you don't need to lose any more" (I'm about a pound away from leaving the obese BMI category) or "you're going to blow away if you lose any more". The one thing I hate? When they ask "How much have you lost?". If I want to share, I'll share...but to me, that would be like walking up to any woman and saying "so, how much do you weigh?". My stock answer "I've lost a good bit, but I still have some work to do".

    Oh, and worse than any comment about my looks? When they analyze/stare at my food in the break room. I have one woman who likes to say "OMG, you're eating bread!". Now I just say "Yup!" but what I want to say is "I've ALWAYS eaten bread...I just used to eat too much of it!".
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Well it sounds like they are jealous of your hard work. How about you have 12 super hot pictures taken and have them made into a calendar for 2013. Give one to each of them for Christmas and sign it " Day after day, I just get hotter and hotter." That should shut em' up!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I have several supportive co-workers. Just about everyone at my work is on some sort of a diet. There are a few that are NOT supportive at all; those are actually the skinnier ones at my work.

    There is one chick that is doing Isagenix. She's actually not overweight, and a regular exercise program would benefit her far more than a diet will. That's my opinion though, and since she doesn't like me, I won't bother telling her.

    There are several comments towards me and the other healthy eaters re: how well our "diets" are working. Well, I've lost 10 pounds in the last 30 days, I'm down a clothing size, and she's stuck at about 5 pounds. She's also been a lot crankier lately.

    Ironically, I work in health care. You'd think there would be a lot more support.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Haters gonna hate :glasses:

    Keep up the good work!