Toxic fumes raiding my breathing!

Ok, so this is a bit embarassing but I need some serious help here...

Ive been at this for 4 1/2 months and hit a slow down in losing. Last week I decided to cut out pretty much all processed foods and have been eating real good. Have seen a couple pounds fall off since this new plan was put in place.

The problem is...gas. Not alot of it, but OH MAN what does come out is Stinky!!! I mean... run from myself and avoid that room for the next 20 minutes at all costs bad!

Is this normal and will it go away? Or should I be a bit more concerned here? Ive been eating 50% carbs, 30% protien, 20% fat and hubby says its the protein causing it. Anything that will help besides carrying a can of febreeze around with me would be great.


  • erinf79
    erinf79 Posts: 25
    It should stop as your body adjusts to the new diet. I would suggest adding a cup or two of hot mint tea to your diet. That will help your digestion.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Well, I fell off the wagon so to speak on keeping my food to the best it could be up until a few weeks ago. I've been giggling and driving my bf out of the room (let's not even think of what the folks at the gym must've thought...:noway: ) since I've re-upped my good food and veggie intake! Can you say gaseous???:laugh: With that said, I appreciate your take cause I was seriously thinking of posting something similar since the bf just said, "OMG - you're killing me," guess it was SBD - :laugh: See I am usually proud, cause I was one of those kids who used to do it for fun to piss off the parents, but sometimes it's embarassing but funny (probably to me only! lol) so I'm on the fence, hoping I just need a good pass................which when I'm dieting doesn't seeem to happen as often as it should - tmi yet?

    You're not alone...............when bf and I were on Nutrisystem, we called them nutri toots - lol - alot of soy!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Mint tea- got it! I have some... going to drink some NOW! :laugh:

    Porka- hubby wears a cpap to bed and the other night I warned him before he climbed in that I had "nutri tooted" and He giggled and said "haha..Im putting on my antigas mask" ....a few minutes later after i nutri-tooted again (going to bed always makes that happen) he was like "GOOD GOD WOMAN!! GO SLEEP IN THE OTHER ROOM!!"

    Good to know Im not alone! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Mint tea- got it! I have some... going to drink some NOW! :laugh:

    Porka- hubby wears a cpap to bed and the other night I warned him before he climbed in that I had "nutri tooted" and He giggled and said "haha..Im putting on my antigas mask" ....a few minutes later after i nutri-tooted again (going to bed always makes that happen) he was like "GOOD GOD WOMAN!! GO SLEEP IN THE OTHER ROOM!!"

    Good to know Im not alone! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bed time has turned out to be one of our most fun times together - esp since I cannot hold in my giggles and he knows before it arrives - he looks like a gang member with his shirt around his nose :laugh: In modern times, this has not added to our sexki life :bigsmile: but since that is not always in the cards atleast we have a good laugh before bed, and sometimes (or so I've been told) thereafter when I go to sleep :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:

    No, you're not alone and he's tried to up me............only when I serve him brussel sprouts can he possibly up me :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Mint tea- got it! I have some... going to drink some NOW! :laugh:

    Porka- hubby wears a cpap to bed and the other night I warned him before he climbed in that I had "nutri tooted" and He giggled and said "haha..Im putting on my antigas mask" ....a few minutes later after i nutri-tooted again (going to bed always makes that happen) he was like "GOOD GOD WOMAN!! GO SLEEP IN THE OTHER ROOM!!"

    Good to know Im not alone! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bed time has turned out to be one of our most fun times together - esp since I cannot hold in my giggles and he knows before it arrives - he looks like a gang member with his shirt around his nose :laugh: In modern times, this has not added to our sexki life :bigsmile: but since that is not always in the cards atleast we have a good laugh before bed, and sometimes (or so I've been told) thereafter when I go to sleep :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:

    No, you're not alone and he's tried to up me............only when I serve him brussel sprouts can he possibly up me :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Sorry for the double post I was trying to
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I was gonna say Beano!! But I decided to consult Mayo Clinic instead. Glad they said Beano, too.
    There's a whole bunch of info on this, but here's the pertinent stuff for relief:
    Gas and Gas Pains / Treatments and drugs
    By Mayo Clinic staff

    If your gas pains are caused by another health problem, treating the underlying condition may offer relief. Otherwise, bothersome gas is generally treated with dietary measures, lifestyle modifications or over-the-counter medications. Although the solution isn't the same for everyone, with a little trial and error, most people are able to find some relief.

    The following dietary changes may help reduce the amount of gas your body produces or help gas move more quickly through your system:

    Try to identify and avoid the foods that affect you the most. Foods that cause gas problems for many people include beans, onions, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, artichokes, asparagus, pears, apples, peaches, prunes, sugar-free candies and chewing gum, whole-wheat bread, bran cereals or muffins, beer, sodas and other carbonated beverages, milk, cream, ice cream, and ice milk.
    Try cutting back on fried and fatty foods. Often, bloating results from eating fatty foods. Fat delays stomach emptying and can increase the sensation of fullness.

    Temporarily cut back on high-fiber foods. Add them back gradually over weeks. If you take a fiber supplement, try cutting back on the amount you take and build up your intake gradually. If your symptoms persist, you might try a different fiber supplement. Be sure to take fiber supplements with at least 8 ounces of water and drink plenty of liquids throughout each day.

    Reduce your use of dairy products. Try using low-lactose dairy foods, such as yogurt, instead of milk. Or try using products that help digest lactose, such as Lactaid or Dairy Ease. Consuming small amounts of milk products at one time or consuming them with other foods also may make them easier to digest. In some cases, however, you may need to eliminate dairy foods completely.

    Try a cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint oil contains menthol, which appears to have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of your digestive tract. You may find that a warm cup of peppermint tea can provide relief from gas and gas pain. On the other hand, peppermint may contribute to heartburn and acid reflux.

    Over-the-counter remedies
    Some products may help, but they aren't always effective. Consider trying:

    Add Beano to beans and vegetables to help reduce the amount of gas they produce. For Beano to be effective, you need to take it with your first bite of food. It works best when there's only a little gas in your intestines.

    Lactase supplements
    Supplements of the enzyme lactase (Lactaid, Dairy Ease), which helps you digest lactose, may help if you are lactose intolerant. You might also try dairy products that are lactose-free or have reduced lactose. They're available at most grocery stores.

    See if you benefit from using one of the many over-the-counter products that contain simethicone (Gas-X, Gelusil, Mylanta, Mylicon). Simethicone helps break up the bubbles in gas and may help with excessive belching.

    Activated charcoal
    Charcoal tablets (CharcoCaps, Charcoal Plus, others) also may help. You take them before and after a meal. They're available in natural food stores and many drugstores.


  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks for the info CM!

    I can honestly say that I had more gas prior to starting this plan last week,, but I was eating way more veggies each day and they werent stinkbombs. I still eat veggies, lots of them, but Im eating more protein and carbs also. Its not painful or bloaty feeling. And Its not that there is more, it that what is there is just stinky. More like the silent but deadly run from myself type. :laugh:

    Im going to be try taking some fiber supplements and use my fish oil with each meal. I have been taking fishoil since the beginning, but not as reccommended by the bottle. Just discovered yesterday that Im supposed to take it 3 times a day, not just in the morning like I was.

    I'll add the beano if that doesnt help :happy:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    LMAO, reading these posts have made me loose probably 100 calories. I'm glad to know that I'm not
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    And I was expecting to see you've been eating Fiber one bars....

    Right there with you girls! We call them honeymoon farts....when we got married I guess nerves got to me and I had the most disgusting gas ever - I knew he loved me to put up with with the improved diet my hubby gets to relive the honeymoon!!!!:laugh:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I just laughed so hard reading this post! It totally reminded me of my husband and I. We have "wars" sometimes too. I hate to say it (or should I be glad?) he always kicks my *kitten*!!! haha We have a new commercial on the radio here and it is talking about watching out for the smell of gas (in our homes) and even though I know it is a totally serious topic, I still laugh hysterically over it. It says something like if you smell gas run. If you hear a weezing noise (can't remember the word it uses) get out right away and if you hear popping noise, it could be VERY serious. I will have to write it down the next time I hear it. All that I can think about the whole time is my husbands rear end making those noises! :laugh: :laugh:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I think you should just lift your leg and let em rip, BE LOUD AND PROUD!! :laugh:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I think you should just lift your leg and let em rip, BE LOUD AND PROUD!! :laugh:

    I second that motion!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    ROFLOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one with this "condition"!! I love Curves bars, but they turn into deadly and noisy gas!! :embarassed: :embarassed: I gave them up - wasn't worth it! I've found that Phazyme Anti-Gas softgels work better for me than Beano, especially if there's any pressure/bloating before the gas releases
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    ROFLOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one with this "condition"!! I love Curves bars, but they turn into deadly and noisy gas!! :embarassed: :embarassed: I gave them up - wasn't worth it! I've found that Phazyme Anti-Gas softgels work better for me than Beano, especially if there's any pressure/bloating before the gas releases

    My only pressure is making sure I get the "surprise" effect:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    All I can do is ROTFLMAO!:laugh: :noway: :laugh:
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    I think you should just lift your leg and let em rip, BE LOUD AND PROUD!! :laugh:

    ...unless you're taking alli (i should tell that thread about this one).
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    ROFLOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one with this "condition"!! I love Curves bars, but they turn into deadly and noisy gas!! :embarassed: :embarassed: I gave them up - wasn't worth it! I've found that Phazyme Anti-Gas softgels work better for me than Beano, especially if there's any pressure/bloating before the gas releases

    My only pressure is making sure I get the "surprise" effect:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    This sounds so familiar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ecspecially the laughing part. I think it's the fact of getting my husband back from all the years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If he isn't in the same room with me when it happens I yell for him to come in there and give me a hug and when he gets close to me he tells me that that i need to check myself and all I can do is laugh!!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am still laughing at this one - LOVE IT!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    oh yeah - with Alli - you better hold back or you're in trouble...
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I think you should just lift your leg and let em rip, BE LOUD AND PROUD!! :laugh:

    ...unless you're taking alli (i should tell that thread about this one).

    LMAO!! I have a friend that takes alli and Ive heard the "stories" about what it does if you get too much fat in your diet.