HELP...terrible blisters from running :(

I just recently started running long distances outside and for some reason this has caused terrible blisters that I didnt have when I was doing the treadmill. I mean, I'm talking larger than a quarter size on the instep of my foot :( I dont want to have to stop running, any tips to help pad these things so they dont get worse next time I run?? I tried a few band aids...those just slipped and ended up causing blisters in other places.


  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    Instead of wearing a thick pair of socks , try wear two pairs of thin socks.
    Try rub Vaseline (or petroleum jelly) over your feet before putting your sock on.

    Those are two tricks I picked up from my runnig club.

    To heal the current blisters, apply mecurocrome (spelling?) or gentian violet. These should help dry out the blister
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    duct tape! seriously. or Bodyglide.

    You have friction between your skin and your socks. Are your socks cotton? If so, I'd recommend switching to a synthetic "running sock".
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Did you get your shoes from a reputable running store where they watch you walk to analyse your stride and recommend the proper shoe for you? You can heal the blisters but also need to figure out what caused them to begin with.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Shoes you've been evaluated and fitting for by someone at a running store and non-cotton, running socks.

    I couldn't even run short distances without blisters and long distances destroyed my feet every time. I got my new shoes and socks last week and have run in them and run just under 40 miles in them since buying them and my feet are in the best shape they've been since I started running. Everything is healed or healing and there isn't a hint of blisters or irritation after any runs. Including the 12.5 miler I did Sunday. :)
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    This happens to me every time I run. /: literally everytime.
    It never stops me though(: I have so many scars on my ankle and soles
    of my feet. Usually bandaids are what gets me through.

    Kind of gross, my blisters always get worse because i won't let it interfere with my running.
    Blisters or not, I go! So you can only imagine how torn up my feet are. I guess that's the price we

    Anyway, my theory is that you need better fitting shoes. The only reason I get blisters is cause
    I occasionallyrun in my basketball shoes, which are really snug... And also from my running shoes that are
    A tad bit big. So if it doesn't fit just right, blisters are the outcome.

    I don't know what more to say. Sorry of that didn't answer your question <3 just felt like sharing (:
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    They don't happen to be Asics, do they?

    Replace the factory insole with a gel insole. Use proper running socks, like Wilson's guaranteed no blisters. Lubricate if necessary.

    Burn dressings work well for the blisters you already have.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    They don't happen to be Asics, do they?

    heheh - those were my prior shoes that gave me blisters every time and rubbed my feet, literally, raw on my long runs. It started to stop being the question of if my socks would bloody when I took my shoes off, but how bloody they would be instead.