Hello! Looking to meet my goals and new friends along the wa

Hi everyone! I started a weight loss and fitness journey mid January. I can't remember how I stumbled onto the forum (quite possibly googling running), but I'm definitely hooked!

I don't actually use MFP to track my weight loss (I hope this is not taboo!) but at this stage it's all about the support and encouragement side of things that have made me a fan! When I actually get a smart phone this may change, but I'm mostly about eating in moderation and exercising more.

Mentally, the biggest things I've gained from my journey is that food is fuel for your body; which has really helped me control portion sizes and not going back for seconds. I love it though that I don't feel like I'm depriving myself, and I will eat that bit extra and yet I am still losing weight! MFP suggests I eat 1310 cals, and honestly I'm not sure if I do or I don't! It does not worry me at this stage as I do believe I am losing at a healthy weight. I don't find myself craving sweets, I'm more a savory - specifically cheese! - kinda gal. That's probably where I am most wary of.

Fitness wise, my journey began with boot camp in January. I was quite embarrassed that I vomited at the end of my first two sessions! But to see where I'm now at really shows how far I have come, and that it is only the beginning! My initial goal of being able to touch my toes while not warmed up has recently been met, and that makes me feel awesome!

My other really proud of myself moment is completing a 22min non-stop run two days ago. In Jan I started off with walking, and slowly incorporating more jogging. Ultimately, I was aiming to meet that 10 min mark where you gain your 2nd wind, and just turned around and kept going home. I think I am really close to completing a 5k run, and it has all being from getting up and just doing it! No apps for me, so definitely can be achieved without; for those also without who is needing the motivation to start.

Some of my stats:
SW: 73kg / 160.6lb
CW: 69kg / 151.8lb
GW: 65kg / 143lb
UGW: 60kg / 132lb
Height: 5ft 6in
Body type: pear

Reason for losing: Getting in shape for my wedding and honeymoon! (Wedding date is 4th August.) This was my biggest motivator, but additional reasons are also there, such as becoming fitter and reducing BF%.

So that is a bit about me! If we have similar goals or looking for a friend, please feel free to add me :) I look forward to seeing how we go in our journeys!