Hi, New 2 MFP..looking to make new friends & rdy 2 lose more

Hey there my name is sara I'm 23 years old a mother to a 3 year old..after I had my son I kept on gaining and gaining weight and now I'm just feed up of making excuses and need to do something about my weight..to be honest I'm afraid of dying at an early age because of my weight..I want to live a long and healthy life and I would like to start planning on having my second child..its embarrasing to say at my age I weigh 294lbs and wear a size 20/22 ...I need to do something before something serious happens to me...I would love to make new friend who can support me and I can do the same..have a nice day


  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    Welcome to the site! I'm always looking for a new friend or two. Maybe we can offer each other some support on this journey :)
  • TrainersRoom
    Hello guys...I am also new here.. I hope..I will get to learn and share lots of knowledge. Thanks
  • mnkbrly
    mnkbrly Posts: 9
    Hi Sara...my name is Kim. I am pretty new too and need to lose like 100 pounds. I have lost 1000 before, just to put it back on... I am pretty serious this time, and so far I love this site!! Just post everyday and be very honest and we can help each other. Please add me and I will be happy to help.
  • gingersnaps828
    Welcome! I'm new too, less than a week in. Feel free to add me and we can support eachother and do this together! :)