Beyond living in a beautiful skin, who inspires you and who

JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
Beyond people living in a beautiful skin, who inspires you and who are your heros?

Putting looks completely aside, do you have a person that makes you want to live to a higher ideal? Anyone that makes you think "I can live more powerfully."?

Heres some of mine.

Dr Catherine Hamilin an amazing surgeon. I remember reading her biography many years ago about her work in Ethiopia. The mind blowing deprivation that was occuring there when she first started and the effect of her dedication on relieving the intense suffering she found was so moving.


David Attenborough the naturalist,and nature documentary producer. Because he has lived this amazing life and done it with self effacing charm.


Vera Rubin the astronomer. (Actually I have a whole list of women in science. )
Brilliant mind and has had a successful career in science despite the many obstacles put in her way due to her gender. (example Princeton refused to accept women at that time.)


I almost never look at most popular media these days as it seems to glorify people living the most shallow vacuous lives. There aren't many entertainment celebrities that I would like to emulate.

So anyone have their own?


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    I'm inspired by a lot of people- the human spirit of kindness and helpfullness definitely.

    People specifically-
    The Dalai Llama because he is in quite the tough situation. I enjoy listening to his ideas and thoughts- also how he's willing to move Buddhism into the next century and how he's meeting tradition with new ways.

    George Washington Carver
    Founded a science program, met with Presidents, developed hundreds of patents and uses for peanuts, oils and plastics. An amazing man who impacted Henry Ford and influenced an entire generation of people- all in a time where he wouldn't have been allowed to use the front door or bathroom in any public building. If you are an American and you don't know his story- Go RIGHT NOW and learn about him and be proud to call him a fellow countryman.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Hahah Gemi your a legend I was feeling down that no one seemed to have anything beyond celebrity role models.
    Yeah I dont think my pics quite hold up to the pulling power of a Kardashan rear end.

    I am not American but that won't discount me from being interested in checking out George Washington Carver. Checking it out now.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    Yeah I dont think my pics quite hold up to the pulling power of a Kardashan rear end.

    Even if I didn't know you- I would love you for this quote alone.

    Very few things have the pulling power of a Kardashian Tusch. lol

    Seriously- Carver's story blows me away when I think of it. From slavery to scientist! Talk about inspiring! And he was kind and nice too- there's such an idea nowadays about 'I got mine' and being the 'best' means being hurtful... it's BS fed to people and folks buy it- when in reality there are millions of successful people who got ahead without compromising their values.