Want to start C25K, but even walking hurts :(

Ok, so I am really out of shape :blushing: :noway: :embarassed:
I used to be really good at track and field when I was a teenager (a long time ago) and have let myself go, and have become a couch potato
Plus I wear crocs all the time

Now I find that when I wear running shoes, my calfs and shins really hurt while I am just walking. It can become really painful. I don't believe it is shin splints, but more muscle/tissue pain

How can I fix this problem?? I want to get in shape, but I don't even start because the pain is too much of a discouragement

Please help!


  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Are the shoes ok for you? I bought a pair of running shoes and had to get different ones because they hurt my feet. I also could barely manage running for a minute and now I'm running 10 mins straight :) it gets easier! Just keep going.

    I'm even starting to enjoy it now and I hated it before! I've lost more weight too since I've started.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Changing the type of shoe you wear can have that effect. I remember going from heels to flats... Ouch.
    Maybe start off small, just wear them a little here and there. Go for short walks. Once you are pain free for a half hour, you can start c25k.

    Good luck :smile:
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Well... there's no law that says you have to wear running shoes. (In fact, studies show that running shoes do absolutely nothing to improve performance or prevent injury, and the rate of injuries is proportional to the price of the shoes!)

    Have you thought about wearing those flimsy little lace-up sneakers - "Keds" or plimsolls or whatever they may be called where you live?

    And, stick to walking until you've got this sorted. Even if you have to walk in your crocs - it's good for you!
  • jbrookeh
    jbrookeh Posts: 38 Member
    I have the same problem and think it's my shoes. I have been walking about 3 miles (takes about 40min) a day and it does get better. I am going to start the C25K program also. I've always dreamed of being a runner. Send me a friend req. and we can do it together.
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    I have the same problem (but I do also have shin splints), but I find that wearing really tight knee-high socks (like tube socks) really helps. It sounds weird, I know, and not at all legit, but it helps me out. :)
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    It may well be your trainers, I have flat feet and so have to wear pronation control trainers else i get pain in my feet and legs.

    If in UK got to somewhere like upandrunning shop or a shop with a treadmill for gait analysis and they will recommend the correct shoe for you. Hint: do not buy from these shops as they are often expensive - go online or another shop to buy the trainers they recommend.

    Good luck with the C25K
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    Me too!! The first day I C25K I had shin splints and had to rest for 4 days! It was terrible today was my 3rd day and I power walked which is the same speed as my "run". I think muscle pains are good pains were using muscles we havent used before so there not used to working... when there sore their getting stronger YAY! joint pain and shin pain are not good pains I say since were not making great distance Go 20 min for a week then go 25 min the next week etc... until we can run w.o. pain!

    Add me too we can do this all together! we will be runners!
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    I am in week four of a couch to 5k type program. The first week I sent an email to my exercise coach because my legs were killing me. She told me to freeze water in paper cups and when I finished, roll the frozen cups up and down my legs until they were practically numb. In week four I don't notice any pain at all. Add me as a friend, I'd love to go through this week you

    Also, make sure you are hydrated and eat a small snack before you start!
  • afnelson
    afnelson Posts: 7 Member
    I've found that if I "stretch" my lower legs, I won't get shin splints. I keep my heel planted on the ground and then lift the ball of my foot off the ground for about 15-20 seconds before I do fast walking or running. It helps me anyway.

    Make sure your shoes are a good match for you too. Maybe ease into wearing shoes from the crocs.

    Hope this makes sense. Good luck!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    I am starting C25K over again (only did week 1) because with my old shoes I felt like I was stomping when I ran. My legs were hurting so much that by the end I was literally scuffing the bottoms of my shoes because it hurt to lift my feel high enough. I went to a local running store and had the girl properly fit me for shoes. She had me run with my old shoes, then barefoot and picked out 17 pairs of shoes. With each pair I ran the length of the store and back and she watched to see how my feet hit the floor, where my ankles went etc. I finally found a pair of Brooks that were perfect for me. I really worried they would be expensive since this was a specialty store, but they turned out to be the same price as the pair that was on sale at the local sporting goods store.

    I have been walking in them nearly every day this week and I kid you not, no pain. Next week I will start incorporating running and start C25K over again. I will admit I am a flip flop girl and the new shoes do not hurt at all. She also said when buying running shoes you need to account for the fact as you hit the pavement your feet will spread out a bit. It is best to buy shoes a size or two bigger. I didn't really believe my little 6s would be able to walk in 8s without tripping over my toes, but she was right. Now when my feet hit, I don't feel like my toes are hitting the end of the shoe. Another huge plus in the pain factor.

    Please feel free to add me, I have another friend who has a great blog she started about her progress with C25K. She is ahead of me, but is a great inspiration.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • It sounds like to me it could be a mix between your trainers and inactivity. First of all as someone already mentioned depending on your feet and legs are gonig to determine what shoes you wear. I wear basic tennis shoes from walmart but have orthotics in them to support my arches. With out them I would have the same issues. I do in any shoes. Niki's are about the only brand I can wear without my orthotics in them. however My TWIN (fraternal) can't wear Nikies as they give her problems, she prefers Reebok. I would advise that you go to a shoe store that specializes in running shoes. the one in the Uk or something like a Proshop to buy you some shoes. Ask the person there to help you pick out the shoe that is right for you. Secondly, anytime you have been a "couch potatoe" as you put it, there are going to be pain when you start. I am n week 2 day one of C25K and week one of Julian Micheals 30day shred. both very different programs. Both give me pains I never thought I would have. C25k is acutally getting much much better the more I do the programs. THe stronger your muscles are the better it's going to be. Hince the reason why we have people running marathons. when I can only run about a min and a half at a time. Also your current weight is going affect you as it will determine how much stress is put on already inactive muscles. I weighed 220 when I started and it was not easy. at 188 it is much less painful on my knee's and hips and back than it was at 220. Stick in there I am positive that you can do this if someone who hated to run (me) is doing this and able to do it. I know you can to.

    One more thing. The croc's, Bad for your feet. I know the can be very comfy, I have some but they do not support your muscles in feet at all. Your muscles are so used to having to do extra work that when they dont have to they dont know what to do, so what do they do? They argue with you. Try incorporating tennis in like an hour at a time. It's just like anyone who have ever had to wear a brace for a period of time and them come off it. Same situation except that in one case it braces for you so muscles dont have to work where as with your crocs they are over working themselves. If I were you I would wear them a hour a day for the first week. then up the time you wear them. Get used to wearing good running shoes then start C25K. My suspecion is once you get used to them you will love them.

    If you want to friend me. These are only suggestions that I would do myself If i was in your boat. I hope that they are helpful if not i'm sorry.

  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    1. Shoes

    2. Exercise bands. I used to get shin splints or whatnot in the military. They had me use medical rubber bands and put them around my foot and spell the alphabet. Just an idea, I assume exercise bands would probably work the same or maybe even a towel just for resistance.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I promise you that once you start losing some weight, there will be less pain. When I started 30+ pounds ago, my shins, my ankles, my feet were on fire. A little Aleve, ice after my workouts helped, and as the weight came off, so did the pain.

    I would go get fitted at a proper shoe/running store. I learned nike was bad for me as it was a narrow shoe and caused me to protonate. Got a wider foot shoe and it corrected my form.

    Good luck - you can do this!
  • I just started the C25K too! I agree with a lot of the comments on this thread. I went to an athletic shoe store and was fitted for a good shoe. It made a world of difference for me! I felt kind of silly asking for a running shoe because I am 250+ but they were really nice and I think a lot of their customers have some of the same problems with their feet that I do. I also think it will get easier as my muscles get stronger and the weight comes off. If this doesn't help please don't get discouraged. Another option is to use the eliptical. It is a very good low impact excersize that has helped me tremendously. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck and keep up the good work!!!
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 150 Member
    Ok, so I am really out of shape :blushing: :noway: :embarassed:
    I used to be really good at track and field when I was a teenager (a long time ago) and have let myself go, and have become a couch potato
    Plus I wear crocs all the time

    Now I find that when I wear running shoes, my calfs and shins really hurt while I am just walking. It can become really painful. I don't believe it is shin splints, but more muscle/tissue pain

    How can I fix this problem?? I want to get in shape, but I don't even start because the pain is too much of a discouragement

    Please help!

    Not a PT or Dr, but let me tell you. I have run for years, this last lay off put on the 30# I'd lost, and then 20# more, at Christmas I was the most embarrassed I have ever been in front of my kids, I couldn't even walk a mile without my legs dying and lower back tightening up. My calves and feet felt the same when I started in Jan, but I can do 5 miles (WOGGING) these days.

    So, it will come back, stretching is CRITICAL before and after, and don't try to push it too far.