Losing inches, not pounds!



  • auntmandi
    auntmandi Posts: 5 Member
    I have lost only 5 lbs. and it is very frustrating. Eventually I eliminated sugar, flour, and excess carb I feel better, but the scales are awful and the belly is still there bigtime.

    The comment about working out is a good one. I have a history of working out, and I hit the gym etc pretty hard both to slim and as therapy. (and to show off.....shh!!!!} 60 year old women are very competitive!

    Those of us with a history of exercise and fitness will respond quickly because of something called muscle memory. The mass, nerves, etc. are all there and just waiting to train. This includes people who did well in sports in school - the muscle is diminished, but the stuff is still there.We have an advantage over starting from scratch. We have trained before and are used to the focus and dedication, even if it was decades ago.

    Someone said that you cannot build muscle mass in 2-3 weeks; well, I beg to differ. I may be a senior, but there are cuts and definition already. We crave protein. No turkey salad or greek yogourt is safe from us!

    But exercise retains water. I heard a woman in a WW meeting say she gained 5lbs. in a marathon. There ya go.

    Friends are commenting that I look slimmer. What really brought it home was finding some pictures from March of this year - whoa!