moms with young kids ... i need help

Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
Hello I am a mom of 2 boys. One is 2 and the other I just had on 3-9-12. I am exclusively Breastfeeding my little Guy also. I have not started any workouts, due to not being cleared by the doctor yet. With my first son the weight was easy to come off I was living with my mom and we joined the gym together and went 4x a week for 2 hours. We were a good team.

This time though that wont work. Hubby and I just bought a house this past summer and we are 45 minutes away form my mom. So I found this app.

I am trying to get my eating under control. I either eat too much or not at all. And I don't want to ruin my milk supply. I breastfeed for 13 months with my first and want to make it that long with this little Guy too.

I am in need of friends, support, and motivation!
I am looking to lose 40 lbs. I need ideas for workouts also. Dvd's or Wii games would probably be the easiest . Any ideas.


  • RavenSimone90
    Hey, we are in the same boat. I have 2 kids as well, a 1 year old boy and a 1 month old daughter. I too am breastfeeding and have yet to start working out again. I'm on here to lose about 30-35lbs. Maybe we can motivate one another....Good luck on the weight loss and the new baby :smile:
  • danaehunt
    I had my youngest in december and dont care much for gyms so I bought Zumba for my wii and also just dance. Its fun and you get a workout at the same time. Good luck with your weight loss and congrats on your new baby.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Honestly, in your shoes, I'd wait until your supply has regulated, and slowly start upping exercise or watching what you eat. Right now, the priority has to be your supply, so if it turns out you can't do anything until you've weaned, that's perfectly okay too.
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    I'm there too! With two little ladies, one 3 and one 4 months. I am hoping to BF until 16 months like with my first. You can add 500 calories in the food area for BFing. Just look up Breastfeeding and it gives you a number of options. I just upped my calories to 1300 and then add the 500 so that I have 1800 in order to make sure I have enough cals to cover feeding another human being! LOL! I want to get back to my before kids weight so I need to lose 35 pounds! Hoping to run a 10 miler with hubby in July too. Good thing I love to run! Good to know there is a lot of other moms on here! Good luck everyone and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hi Mamas,.
    Good for you for breastfeeding your little ones. I breastfed my oldest until she was 2, and my youngest until she was 2 1/2.

    OP, please wait until you are cleared by your doctor at 6-ish weeks until you really begin serious exercise... your body really does need the time to recouperate from pregnancy and to establish a good milk supply with breastfeeding. Please add extra calories to your day... try hard to not fall below 1800 NET, especially once you add exercise in a few weeks.

    Once you are cleared by the doctor, and If you are looking for good exercise, 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels is a tough but quick workout (under 30 minutes), and she has a new kickboxing one that the workouts are 20 minutes. Once your itty-bitty one is old enough to go in a jogging stroller (6 months due to neck control, I think?) you can run with your kidlets. I did the Couch to 5K last year with my toddler and she loved going for rides in the stroller while I walked/ran.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Honestly, in your shoes, I'd wait until your supply has regulated, and slowly start upping exercise or watching what you eat. Right now, the priority has to be your supply, so if it turns out you can't do anything until you've weaned, that's perfectly okay too.

    100% this! Its so recent that your body wont know whether its coming or going yet. Give yourself 6 weeks minimum before you try restricting calories and wait til youre cleared medically before working out.

    When you do start do not go below 1600 calories, consume your breast feeding calories and your exercise calories and dont forget to drink plenty of fluids. (you add breast feeding as a food and it gives you extra calories, amount depends on the selection you choose but generally 200-500 calories)

    Congratulations of your wee one
  • skyocom
    skyocom Posts: 41 Member
    I have zumba for Wii and I love it! The Wii fit got boring. Just dance-any version is fun too and my kids like to play with me.
    Feel free to add me. I have two boys although older I feel your pain and remember how hard it was to eat right while breastfeeding.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • cfoster629
    While you are BF just make sure you are getting enough calories. I struggled with finding the time and energy with my little one. I try to get out for walks or runs with them in a running stroller, I really like Xbox Kinect games, they really have you moving. I just got Your Shape 2012 and it seems good. Add me as a friend if you like, I'm looking to connect with more moms of little ones too :)
  • StephC74
    StephC74 Posts: 64 Member
    About 6 months after baby #4 I started doing pilates videos. They really helped me get back into shape (unfortunately I let it creep back up a few years later). Just Dance is good cardio too.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    After I'd had my second daughter in the fall I did minimal exercise other than baby wearing and walking. I also did a mom and baby Pilates DVD from gaiam which was pretty good. As long as I kept my calories between 1800-2000 I could lose 1-2 lbs a week.

    At 7 months I started more intense exercise at the gym. Now I find that I have to eat back my exercise calories or my milk supply plummets and I've been holding steady weight wise for the last 4 weeks. I'm not willing to stop breast feeding yet and I like feeling in shape so I'm not willing to stop the exercise. I am OK at this weight so I'll wait until I'm done nursing to deal with the remaining weight (5-10 lbs).

    I have found it a lot harder with 2 kids to find time at home to exercise which is one of the reasons I started at the gym. At this point your diet is the best thing you can do to drop the weight. Good luck!
  • Lost_Mermaid
    I have two young kids also. My son will be three in less than two weeks and my daughter is 18 months and I nursed both of them for most of their first year. I'm trying to lose 30-35lbs. It's difficult to find time and ways to work out with the little ones cause they keep you busy all day. I have tried working out before they go to bed, but they think I'm playing and try to climb on me lol. So I work out at night after they've gone to bed and I've done my nightly cleaning. I can't go to a gym cause I don't have anyone to watch them and any family I have is 12 hrs away. But I have started doing workout videos and it's going really well. I'm doing jillian micheals 30 day shred and I really like it cause it's quick and I burn a good amount of calories for a beginnner.
  • riegrac
    riegrac Posts: 12 Member
    Hi......I have 5 kids my youngest being 5 months. I have found the Firm DVD's and EA sports active 2 and Just Dance for the Wii to be good. I want to loose about 20 pounds. Please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • HeatherNicoleMomOf4
    I do Zumba & EA sports Active 2.They both are great workout and are fun to do
  • cowchick4_fun
    Hi. i am a mom of 3. my oldest she is 6 my son is 5 and my youngest she is 2. i have always been a big girl my whole life but maintained it really good till i got pregnant with my oldest and i gained 15 lbs with her and then it just progressed after i had her. with the other 2 i only gained 10lbs at the most and lost all of it and then again after i had them it went down hill again. about 2 years ago 4 months after i had my youngest daughter my mom passed away and i have had a struggle with that and so food was my comfort. then i got up to where i was when i was pregnant and i new i was done i wasnt letting it go any higher so i started walking with my kids and my sister. my hubby bought me a gym pass and even though it has daycare add with it i cant use it much during the week because i watch a friends baby boy and i cant take him and by the time she gets home its time for dinner and bed for my 2 older ones because of school. my hubby is a tow truck driver so he is gone all the time so that leaves me with no babysitter so i pulled out my walk away the pounds dvd monday when i started this site again(which i signed up 8 months ago and just now got back onto here) and have kept up with my goals on here and tracking everything and i hit the gym when i can and i get kids to school and either do my dvd in mornings or late at night when all 3 kids are in bed and i love it. i do the 2 mile walk in 30 mins. or they have a 1 mile walk in 18 mins. and u deff. get a good work out. since doing the 2 mile walk everyday along with house cleaning and kids and all that fun stuff i have lost 2.4lbs in 5 days. i drink up to 15 8oz glasses of water.ok my 8 oz glass is a 20oz bottle that has 2+ glasses in each bottle for 8oz.and i have to pee non stop but i feel great and i love it. i watch what im intaking and love it. with you breast feeding start out slow so you can make sure ur little one is getting all the nutrients they need and you but also so u get enough supply. go on a slow paced walk and u can also lay on your side and do the leg lifts simple things. best of luck to you and you can friend me also if you would like. hope you find all that your looking for.:)