
Hello, I am new here and want to connect with some users who have the same goals as I do. I am starting the 17 day diet today and want/need to lose about 30 lbs, although any loss is welcome! I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and have struggled to lose the baby weight. Well, I haven't actually tried that hard, but now I want to get the weight off so I can have more energy and take some pressure off of my joints. Plus I want to be able to go down my daughter's slide without getting friction burns on my hips!! I get a good bit of exercise keeping up with a 2 year old, but I would also like to start a regular routine that I can do with my daughter or alone.

So, if you have any of the same goals and want another weight loss partner, drop me a message or add me.



  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    you can add me.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Welcome to MFP. You will find lots of support here and lots of really nice folks. I just want to warn you. If you are attempting to lose 30 pounds in 17 days, you will get lots of flak. MFPers pride themselves in losing weight slow, steady and healthy. There are some fantastic tools available as well. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    Welcome...I have four kiddos, so I know all about that fun exercise we get! I also know its hard with a family to get done what you need to get done, and hopefully you have a wonderful support system that allows you that time to yourself. My husband is wonderful about that, he even cook on occasion if I can't get in an early workout. Diets are a good starting point, but changing the way you eat and exercise are more important, it won't happen over night, but it will happen and when it does...AMAZING!!!! I wish you the best of luck, I know MFP people have done nothing but great things for me...LOVE THEM!! Add me if you like :)