new here and have questions

hi im new just started this today, i need to lose about 40lbs, i recently quit smoking and lost my job a year ago so i have sat at home and gained weight, am also in menapause. does anyone thats in menapause have a belly issue??? i feel like i look like im pregnant its gross. really want to lose this belly


  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    It's common for women going through Perimenopause and menopause to have gastrointestinal issues.
    A year ago I all of a sudden could no longer have gluten, over the year it's now turned into milk, heavy soy, and even a lot of vegies will cause lots of bloating. It's very frustrating. I'm thinking about trying some probiotics and seeing if that helps any.

    Oh and welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you like!