Need some guidance!

I've lost 25 lbs so far. Really great because I have a long way to go and I've no intention of stopping. However, in the last two weeks I've collapsed twice. I was conscious, but couldn't move and felt instant debilitating exhaustion. The last time I ended up in the ER and after several hours the conclusion was the following: not enough food, low potassium, elevated blood pressure, excessive caffeine and dehydration.

One thing I changed immediately is the amount of caffeine. I was drinking my water for each day using the Great Value Blueberry Acai or Dragon Fruit mixes for energy. Seemed like a great way to get my water in. On top of that I would still have my coffee. I was told I was drinking an equivalent of 12-15 cups of coffee a day. I never put 2 and 2 together and that was horrifying.

The problem is the food - I'm STILL not reaching my calorie goal and I'm so sick of food by the end of the day. I refuse to eat a cheeseburger or any sort of fast food just to get to my goal. But I don't want to collapse again either. Pretty sure the caffeine has been suppressing my appetite, (and the day I stopped the headaches began) but I'm at a loss.

I eat spinach salads (LARGE ones), Healthy Choice meals, fruit, yogurt, cottage cheese, I've increased my protein (chicken, some red meat), and still can't get near what I'm told I MUST be hitting or it's going to be trouble again.

Any advice on foods I can eat that won't bust my progress but will get me to my current goal of 2030 a day? I am hesitant to even exercise, because that requires I eat even more food and seriously I'd make myself sick to the stomach doing that. I've started taking vitamins and fish oil again, I'm hoping that means I'll be at least more "nutrified" at the end of the day. (yes, I also make up words).



  • byfaithchristine
    byfaithchristine Posts: 10 Member

    That was helpful - thank you! (and congrats on the 140 lbs lost!! So impressed.)
  • carolyns19
    Here are some foods your could try:

    -Nuts (I like Emerald Cocoa Roasted Almonds)
    -Whole grain bread
    -Olive Oil

    If you had 2 handfuls of nuts a day, that will up your intake by ~300 cals

    Also, adding half an avocado to your salad each day will be easy and really help.

    I think that link mentions these two: bananas and peanut butter-- best snack/bfast ever: toasted bread, 1-2 TB Peanutbutter, 1/2 banana, drizzle of honey (eat one or two of these-- delish and super filling) plus NO empty cals!

    Congrats on the 25 lbs!! That's awesome. And way to stick to your resolve. Nature can provide what your body needs, no need to turn to junk!
  • carolyns19

    I couldn't see your diary, needed a key (didn't know that feature existed!)

    You could try "drinking" some of your cals too.

    -Almond milk (amazzzzzing, I'm addicted to this)

    -Green Monster Protein Smoothies (almond milk, spinach, banana, 1 TB peanut butter, chocolate protein powder)-- it tastes amazing, and will come in around 500 cals. Here's a whole website on those smoothies:

    -Maybe up your % on milk. My fiancee is underweight, and he bumped up from skim to 1% and feels a difference. I know this is different from your situation, but its still a naturally occuring, semi-healthy fat.
  • byfaithchristine
    byfaithchristine Posts: 10 Member

    I couldn't see your diary, needed a key (didn't know that feature existed!)

    You could try "drinking" some of your cals too.

    -Almond milk (amazzzzzing, I'm addicted to this)

    -Green Monster Protein Smoothies (almond milk, spinach, banana, 1 TB peanut butter, chocolate protein powder)-- it tastes amazing, and will come in around 500 cals. Here's a whole website on those smoothies:

    -Maybe up your % on milk. My fiancee is underweight, and he bumped up from skim to 1% and feels a difference. I know this is different from your situation, but its still a naturally occuring, semi-healthy fat.
    Never had it, but almond milk sounds REALLY good. And the avocado on my salad sounds wonderful. Will definitely get some almonds, and a friend of mine eats the cocoa ones - I'll be sure to try those! And smoothies! Thanks for all the tips!!

    (my diary is now public...)