To anyone who doesn't have a food scale. . .



  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I have one, but I only use it for about 1/4 of the stuff I eat. Calorie counts are always going to be an estimate, anyway...
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks for that, I'm still trying to be correct in my portions and yes it is hard to do this without scales, which are more accurate - digital or the normal food scales?
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks, but if I got to the stage I was measuring everything I ate, I would consider myself to have an eating disorder. I have managed to lose all the weight I wanted to without one.

    > joins calorie counting website
    > says people who count calories have a disorder

    Nice logic
  • +1. Got the Taylor Biggest Loser one from Wally World with the glass top. Useful for portion control of high cal beverages like milk and wine, cereal, protein powder and other supplements. Mostly dry goods and ingredients for recipes go on it and it looks good in the kitchen too. TIP: buy some wax paper for the top so you aren't having to constantly clean it.

    I just put my plate on the scale.
  • I have a question.

    i have been using a scale, but the problem i have is...say I weigh out some chicken ( 8 oz) , when i type chicken into the food database to look it up...all i get are measurements in cups or i just assume that 8 oz is 1 cup and log it in as 1 cup?

    sorry... i know its a stupid just getting used to the whole weighing things out before eating. :blushing:

    Can you change the units on your food scale? Mine does oz, g, and kg just by pushing a button.
  • rahmyers
    rahmyers Posts: 75 Member
    I love my food scale. I found I was way under estimating my meat! I was so worried about going over I wasn't getting enough protien. Which explaines some other things. Also, I found even though I was measuring my cereal, the real portion of cereal by weight was about 1/3 less then the 1 cup stated on the cereal box. oh yeah, I got mine on ebay
  • Gorussell
    Gorussell Posts: 18
    I just started using this site this week and I have purchased mostly frozen dinners but I only want to use them for emergencies when I'm hungry and don't want to cook. This should prevent me from just grabbing anything. Anyway I am going to invest in a scale because although I am a really good cook I normally don't cook using any measurements and I cook according to taste and eyeball. I have a feeling that depending on how hungry I am a 4oz chicken breast when eyeballed by me in hungry mode will certainly be 8ozs. I am looking forward to getting my scale thank you for the advice.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I love my digital scale too. I used to use it to measure my carbs when a low carber. Now I use it for everything.
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks, but if I got to the stage I was measuring everything I ate, I would consider myself to have an eating disorder. I have managed to lose all the weight I wanted to without one.
    I have to agree...I would get OBSESSED with the thing and not dare eat without it;) I know myself all too well!!!

    To each his/her own. But there is a difference between being obsessive and being informed. For me having a scale was an eye-opener. And studies have shown that most people are way off on the high side when they try to guess how much a serving size actually is.
  • ctychick
    ctychick Posts: 43 Member
    My first post here!

    I just started MFP and had been planning on buying a food scale for ages. After reading this I went right onto Amazon and ordered this one. With those reviews, how can I go wrong?
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    We bought one from the dollar store for about 3 bucks... nothing fancy but gets the job done! I like using it cause I dont want to overeat trusting my eyes or under eat cause I want ALL my food lol
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Thanks, but if I got to the stage I was measuring everything I ate, I would consider myself to have an eating disorder. I have managed to lose all the weight I wanted to without one.
    I have to agree...I would get OBSESSED with the thing and not dare eat without it;) I know myself all too well!!!

    this completely...I have been doing pretty well guesstimating everything...I think logging food has mainly made me more aware of not putting crap into my body mindlessly and paying more attention to my " full" point...I would get nuts if I started weighing my stuff...would I carry the scale in my purse?
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 260 Member
    I agree helped so much! I found two really good brands at ROSS, cheaper than they were on amazon!
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    i plan on buying one thursday :).. stupid question tho: do u weigh your meats before they're cooked, or after??
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Thanks, but if I got to the stage I was measuring everything I ate, I would consider myself to have an eating disorder. I have managed to lose all the weight I wanted to without one.

    I kinda agree here.

    For the most part, I can guess what my 1/3C to 1/2C oats is. Pretty much anything I eat is in a small enough amount, I'm not too worried about the calories.

    The only things I look into are restaurant dishes, by checking online.

    Weighing things is for the birds.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I always say, " if you wonder why you are not losing, Get a food scale"!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I have a question.

    i have been using a scale, but the problem i have is...say I weigh out some chicken ( 8 oz) , when i type chicken into the food database to look it up...all i get are measurements in cups or i just assume that 8 oz is 1 cup and log it in as 1 cup?

    sorry... i know its a stupid just getting used to the whole weighing things out before eating. :blushing:

    I would use the facts on the package. The next time you buy some fresh chicken breast, pay attention to the labels because you'll notice different brands have different calorie counts for the same amount of chicken depending on how lean the cut is. So if your package says 200 g is 150 caloires, that would be more accurate then just 'raw chicken breast' from MFPs database.

    I don't have scales and I'm completly lazy when it comes to cooking or measuring food so almost everything I buy is prepackaged at a single serving. Fresh fruits and veggies, soups, salads, snacks ect. It does cost more but I figure its worth it for convenience rather then swinging through the nearest drive thru.

    At this point I'm big enough that just switching from burgers and tacos to chicken breast and fresh veggies will work for me so a 50-100 calorie difference isn't going to hurt me as much.
  • I got mine at Aldi for $10. It's very accurate and has never given me problems. Once you do it for a while, you'll start to know what a serving is on your own. No, I don't weigh EVERYTHING out, but definitely meat.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I love my digital food scale!!!
    I like to know exactly how much I'm consuming...
    especially with fish, chicken and fruits and veggies
    scales and measuring cups are so worth the little amount of money!!!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I could not imagine eating or preparing food without a food scale now. It's very easy to eyeball something and 'guess'timate and it's almost always way off. Even portions that say 1 cup for example yet it also gives a gram, I find you can actually eat more of some foods, mainly dry foods, if you weigh by grams or ounces than their recommended serving marked as '1 cup'. :tongue: