


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It worked for me it gave me the help I needed at the begining - and I kept the weight off because I also changed my eating and excercise habits.

    You know I was a smoker for 28 years and when I quit I used the patch to help me get through
    and get me started so I guess that patch was a crutch.

    However it doesn't invalidate my outcome wether it be weight loss or quitting smoking - If it takes a pill or a patch to jump start you to you change your behaviors long term then I say go for it.

    It's doesn't make you any less tuff or change that fact that you've worked just as hard to get to your goal.
    Eating healthy and excersing for the long run is key.

    first, there is a big difference between the patch for smoking and alli. Alli introduces a chemical into the body that artificially inhibits fat absorbtion, the patch maintains nicotine levels. One (alli) introduces a whole new chemical into the system. The other (the patch) keeps your nicotine levels where they are so you can break part of the habit and allow you to deal with the other part on your own terms.

    Alli basically changes the way your metabolism works, the patch does nothing except allow you to break the psychological aspect of smoking while not having the physical withdrawals.

    Just to be clear, I didn't say it doesn't do anything or that you can't or won't lose weight on it, I said it was unnecessary, and a crutch, which it is. I said that it introduces a chemical into the body that changes the way we digest food, which it does. And I said that it doesn't do anything you can't do without it, which it doesn't.
    Hey, I don't care if you use it or not, that's on you not me. But if someone asks my opinion on it, I'm not going to hold back.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I agree with both sides. For those who have willpower and are easily self motivated without an aid, then going it on your own is great. BUT some people do need extra tools to get started and to learn to stay within guidelines, and this sounds like a good option. There are good approaches and bad approaches to losing weight, and as long as it's done in by eating right, exercising right, and being HEALTHY, none of us should judge each other on what we need to use to get ourselves there.

    It's like learning to ride a bike....some kids jump right on, hit the peddles hard and they're off. Others need training wheels that come off as soon as they learn how to balance properly. Ultimately, you have to know and follow basic "rules" to be able to ride the bike for the rest of your life.

    My $.02.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I agree with both sides. For those who have willpower and are easily self motivated without an aid, then going it on your own is great. BUT
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with both sides. For those who have willpower and are easily self motivated without an aid, then going it on your own is great. BUT some people do need extra tools to get started and to learn to stay within guidelines, and this sounds like a good option. There are good approaches and bad approaches to losing weight, and as long as it's done in by eating right, exercising right, and being HEALTHY, none of us should judge each other on what we need to use to get ourselves there.

    It's like learning to ride a bike....some kids jump right on, hit the peddles hard and they're off. Others need training wheels that come off as soon as they learn how to balance properly. Ultimately, you have to know and follow basic "rules" to be able to ride the bike for the rest of your life.

    My $.02.

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Wholely and completely unnecessary! You don't need it, it's a crutch, if you can lose weight with it, then you can lose weight without it! Why put a chemical in your body that changes your body chemistry when you can do the same job without it? Maybe it will take a little longer, but really, is this about health, or is it about speed? You're eventually going to have to stop taking it, then you'll need to adjust your eating habits again anyway, or just regain the fat you lose while taking it.

    Well said :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Obviously not everyone is as well informed on how Alli works. Some people NEED a crutch to help them get started. Everybody is different and Alli is not for everyone. It is nothing even close to Phen fen.

    I think Banks meant how fast you lose not Speed as in drugs....
    I agree with both sides here except I've tried alli and other "crutches" which I thought I needed and I always gained everything I lost and more....if you need to take it - try to wean yourself gradually and continue your good habits you've learned.

    best of luck!
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    [is not for everyone. It is nothing even close to Phen fen.

    I think Banks meant how fast you lose not Speed as in drugs....
    I agree with both sides here except I've tried alli and other "crutches" which I thought I needed and I always gained everything I lost and more....if you need to take it - try to wean yourself gradually and continue your good habits you've learned.

    best of luck!

    Thanks I appreciate it.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion..............

    This is mine and mine alone, based on research I have done over the past 6 years that I have had to diet due to weight gain............

    Your body needs fat to keep your body going............A low fat diet is not healthy.

    A moderate fat diet that includes little or no processed foods, adequate fat and protien, lots of vegetables, some fruit (because of sugar content), nuts, whole grains (brown rice, oats, quinoa, etc).

    Alli is going to strip your body of needed fats and send it out the back door..........(no pun intended). That is not healthy...........The obesity epidemic that this country is facing is because of the "low fat" diet craze that started in the late 60's and early 70's.............

    They have Americans addicted to sugar, like drug addicts are addicted to crack. That is why sugar is in EVERYTHING..........

    I know a couple of people that took it and their hair, skin and nails became dull, dry and lifeless. Their skin started itching and they felt tird and unsatisfied with the food they were eating...........That does not give a healthy appearance........

    Again, this is just my 2 cents.
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    I had a friend that used it and all I would here was story's about leakage issues. That alone made me say that will never be anything I try!

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Anything that causes me to have anal leakage is something I try to avoid. Lol. Besides, if it's a fat blocker and that's all it does, then just eating less fat on your own will have the same effect. Seems pointless to me.

    I actually think I'd be really weary of a doctor prescribing me a pill like this without first encouraging me to try a healthy diet and lots of exercise on my own. Seriously, doctors these days seem to be shovelling us full of silly medications for things that we are fully capable of handling naturally.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    i have a friend who just started taking alli. what do you guys think about it? i dont know much about it. i have heard that it just helps you eat healthy. I'm skeptical though. what do you think?:huh:

    According the doctor, the only person Alli will help is someone who has an extremely high fat content eating habit. If you can't control yourself and you're MORBIDLY OBESE where your health is a REAL CONCERN, then I wouldn't even give it a second thought. Don't you want the pride of saying "I did it all by myself!" "No! I didn't take any diet pill. I just had the will!"
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I'm with LL. I just started taking fish oil and flax seed oil - also I cook with and use olive oil on my foods. I would hate to think of my body not being able to keep those good fats. A whole foods diet, with adequate, healthy fats (think omegas), good proteins (think free range, grass fed organic, wild caught, etc.) and vegetable and whole grain based carbs is really the way to eat healthy. Add to the previous some portion control and water and you've got a great weight loss recipe. Throw in some exercise and you've got it made.

    Don't spend your money on magic pills. Use what you would have spent and buy organic and grass fed
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm with LL. I just started taking fish oil and flax seed oil - also I cook with and use olive oil on my foods. I would hate to think of my body not being able to keep those good fats. A whole foods diet, with adequate, healthy fats (think omegas), good proteins (think free range, grass fed organic, wild caught, etc.) and vegetable and whole grain based carbs is really the way to eat healthy. Add to the previous some portion control and water and you've got a great weight loss recipe. Throw in some exercise and you've got it made.

    Don't spend your money on magic pills. Use what you would have spent and buy organic and grass fed

    I use so much fat, I would be leaking from more than just my "rear end" area.........LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    I cleanse and moisturize my face with a combination of grapeseed oil and coconut oil with a few drops of lavendar oil in it................

    I put coconut oil in my coffee because it helps keep me full and satisfied, add a pack of stevia and a splash of heavy cream, some vanilla and I have a dessert.........

    I eat the fat on my steaks and buy the fattiest hamburger I can find...........

    I don't eat transfats though, so no regular peanut butter for me. Only all natural nut butters from the health food store, and stir that oil into the nut butter............

    And with eating all that cholesterol dropped from 220 in December to 187 in April........

    No one can tell me that a moderate or high fat diet is unhealthy............
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    You know, I DID look at Alli when I started this journey last summer. I looked at a lot of things. SlimQuick, Dexatrim, Hydroxycut, etc. The longer I thought about it, the more I felt like I had to give MYSELF a chance before I made the decision to take anything. For me, I'm glad I did. I had taken Phentermine 17 years ago after the birth of my son. I lost ssooo much weight. But I didn't change my lifestyle. So, I tried something else. Same results. I lived that way for years. Waiting for that magic pill! Guess what? There isn't any. I don't care who you are. If you're in it to win it for the right reason - YOURSELF AND NO ONE ELSE, the only crutch you need is an old picture of yourself fat and a new one of how you will look after you change your life. Trust me, if there is a miracle pill out there I WOULD HAVE FOUND IT BY NOW. Since having taken Pentermine, I've developed heart problems. Yes, from that long ago. Alli is approved by the FDA but, where will they be years down the line when scientists/doctors discover that, hey, this pill causes cancer, or whatever. Personally, it scares me when someone talks about taking anything like that.

    My opinion, and again, just an opinion, give yourself a chance. How old are you and how much overweight are you?

    Let us be your crutch. There is ALWAYS someone on line that can help you get through the tough times. Believe in yourself. Ask God for guidance and it will come.
  • GumbyAnne
    GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
    I have been taking alli for a month and it has helped me lose 14 pounds so far. I don't know how much I would have lost with the same diet and exercise, but I also don't think I would have STUCK TO the diet and exercise without the extra motivation of the pills. It is a crutch but it has given me a good jump start and I am going to keep with it for a while. It is certainly not for everybody but plenty of people find it very helpful.

    And for the record, those horror stories are far from the norm. I have not had anything near that severe and lots of people never have any symptoms at all.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I have not taken it, but a friend did, Oily flatulence is a nice word for what happened to her., she had to live 10 feet from the nearest bathroom! Fat blockers mess with your digestive tract passing fat right through! Not my Idea of fun, I will save my depends wearing days for when I am 108 years old. I have tried a different brand that does the same thing, I promise you it is not pretty! and their diet and exercise plan would work without the pills! Why suffer, you can do this, we all can!
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Wow, there certainly are some strong opinions. I just started taking alli this week and I thought I would check in to see what others have experienced. I am wondering why there seems to be so much anger towards people who are trying other options. I've done my homework and this is the reason I am taking alli:

    I have a form of Muscular Dystrophy where essentially, I am missing an enzyme to break stored fat into energy. I can break down sugars, but when those are gone, my body breaks down muscle. I am trying alli as a way (perhaps you may call it a crutch?) to eliminate some fat from my body before it is stored.

    I cannot fast. In fact, I must have a constant level of carbs in my body (to prevent muscle break down) and I am not allowed to workout. I would prefer to be able to use diet and exercise to get off this weight, but it is medically impossible.

    That being said, my experience with alli has not been horrible (yet), no greasy skid marks or accidents, but I have had some diarrhea :sick: ...which I probably would have had regardless. I know all the arguments against diet pills, but since I have already decided to try it, I would love to hear from others who have actually used alli.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I have used it, and wasn't that impressed. I didn't have too many problems, but I always ate a low fat diet. I eventually just stopped taking them, I felt it did nothing for me. but everyone is differnet.
    I do hope that you are talking with your Dr. about this in conjunction with your other medical issue's?
    Your Dr. may have some great resources for you.
    Good luck
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