Morning metabolism Kickstarters?



  • Oatmeal (or Steel cut oats) is a great way to start off your day. The kind you cook, not the instant. It has fiber, protein, iron and it will boost your metabolism but still hold you over until lunch time. I swear by oatmeal. lol.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Skipping breakfast is perfectly fine. The metabolic effect from feeding is calorie based anyways. The idea of breakfast "boosting" your metabolism is basically a myth.

    this goes against everything i have ever heard ?

    Me too! I've always been told the exact opposite!!!!
  • @Sidesteal
    Amazingly done article, and it addresses this very well. I've always wondered the same as to whether the metabolism is higher or lower as per caloric intake and times of the day. My husband is on a different work shift than I am, so we always would question the validity of "eating breakfast is a must to start the day." Thank you for the link :D
  • but i dont get as hungry for the rest of the day if i have nothing.

    This is true for me too. I usually don't have my 1st meal till around 1:00 pm.
    Not eating breakfest make appetite control 10x easier for me (Individual experience varies of course).

    If you are one of those "hate breakfest" type of person, go with the flow of your body and don't eat breakfest.
    Contrary to outdated information, NOTHING BAD will happen from skipping breakfest.
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