New Mountain to Climb

Hi folksies,
I seem to have come full circle. When I first started trying to lose weight when I came out of the RAF I tried a calories diet, and lost a stone in 4 weeks, then I joined WeightWatchers, and have had good and bad success from them. It's been the easiest to follow. A few years ago I go down to half a pound from being in the 15's and an online friend suggested slimming world as I had plateaued for a few weeks, and I went 'red' and using knackered scales that wasn't obvious over a few months instead of losing weight which I had been checking weekly I found I had put 3 stone on, so being so totally gutted I just said a few choice words to myself, and gave up for a long while, which means I'm almost at my heaviest. I'm 260lbs but intend to go into the 15s once and for all, but its going to be strange and could do with some 'buddies' and heavenly divinity lol.
I'm diabetic type 2 and enjoy my carbs. Most meals have potatoes either new or mash (sometimes oven chips) as I'm not really a veg person. I lost all my tastebuds for normal veg except for carrots, cauli & brocoli, but I love tinned peas & beans, so you can see my dilema, so if someone wants to help me as I'm a basket case I'm all yours.
PS:- I will be having a few drinks soon, as I've been on warfarin since december, so my new year drinks and birthday drinks from last Tuesday have got to be enjoyed when I finish this weekend, so will be drinking a few though not too many from Wednesday. That's one thing I've enjoyed from WW being able to have alcohol as part of my meals without depriving myself. Oh well here goes day 1 from when I get up in the morning