How to recover from a binge?

Hi there,

I am yet again coming to the MFP community for advise and suggestions on my most recent issue. Today I was out with friends and I WAY over ate. I'm talking like 1,500 calories over my daily goal. I know I shouldn't have done it, but you can't take back what you've done. You can only reverse your mistakes and learn from them. Since I way overate today how can I make it like it never happened? Should I exercise more tomorrow? Like to make up for the extra consumed calories. I will not be binging again... I forgot how awful you feel both mentally and physically afterwords. I just want those extra calories gone!

I'm trying to do this healthy so I really need your opinions. How can I reverse my stupidity? I don't want this to effect my weigh in next Thursday.

Thank y'all so much. You all help me so much and keep me motivated.


  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    Stop eating. Get back on track. Go for a run. Do better tomorrow.
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    Really don't see why you are so worried. Cheating once in a while isnt bad as long as it doesnt become a regular occurance. I mean whats the point in being alive if you can't relax now and then?

    But hey it's up to you, hit yourself with pain sticks to teach yourself a lesson if you prefer. :)
  • gatorgirlyyy
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)

    But I feel so yucky! I think I'd feel better about myself if I made up for the calories by burning them off?
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    Dont be hard on yourself. It happens and if it is just a one day thing, you will have no issues. Eat right and exercise like normal, stay on your routine and you will be just fine.

    With 37 lbs lost, you know how to win. Start tomorrow fresh!
  • ccroberts
    Whenever I binge I exercise harder that day or the next day. You'll feel better, just don't fall off track!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    If you've been really good with sticking to your calorie goal for a while, this binge might help you drop a couple more lbs this week than normal. Binges once in a while do that, it's called spiking.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Step 1: Forgive yourself.

    Step 2: Move on. (extra water can't hurt, either)

    That's about all you can do. I've had many binges. They make me feel horrible, but if I dwell on it, it turns from a single binge into DAYS of binge eating. You simply have to forgive yourself NOW. Let it go. Move ahead. Tomorrow is a brand new day.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I always drink extra water with lemon.
    Helps me feel better, especially since the foods I binge on are laden with sodium.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Whenever I binge I exercise harder that day or the next day. You'll feel better, just don't fall off track!

    I think that's what I'll do... if not for anything, at least peace of mind.
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)

    But I feel so yucky! I think I'd feel better about myself if I made up for the calories by burning them off?

    Just remember how you feel when you are doing right. Don't focus on the negative but on the positive. Yes, you had a "relapse" of sorts....but in the long run, you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle. :) Let that be your motivation!
  • gatorgirlyyy
    I would also just like to add to this post that I am having a toothache and my dentist prescribed me Hydrocodone for the pain. I took 10mg as prescribed and I believe this is what triggered such an intense appetite and lack of motivation. I think I'm going to stick to Aleve unless I have to because it's just not worth it.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)

    But I feel so yucky! I think I'd feel better about myself if I made up for the calories by burning them off?

    Just remember how you feel when you are doing right. Don't focus on the negative but on the positive. Yes, you had a "relapse" of sorts....but in the long run, you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle. :) Let that be your motivation!

    I will... at the moment I still have that weighed down, full feeling. I think in the morning I'll be feeling better and ready to continue. :) Thanks again.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    If you've been really good with sticking to your calorie goal for a while, this binge might help you drop a couple more lbs this week than normal. Binges once in a while do that, it's called spiking.

    Hmmmm.... very interesting. I didn't know that.
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)

    But I feel so yucky! I think I'd feel better about myself if I made up for the calories by burning them off?

    Is there even such a thing as burning off calories from a past day???
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)

  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    I always drink extra water with lemon.
    Helps me feel better, especially since the foods I binge on are laden with sodium.

    What does the Lemon do???
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    We've all done it atleast once. don't beat yourself up too bad over it, Be proud of yourself for feeling bad about weird as that sounds. that's a big step..if you're like me I used to over eat every single meal..It's wonderful (and a bit embarrassing) when i sit back and think about how far i've come in a short time. put in a lil extra time on your workout tomorrow, and you'll be fine :)
  • datagram40
    datagram40 Posts: 33 Member
    Just move on. One day is just one day. I purposely binge on calories every weekend. I still lose 1-2 pounds a week. One day will not be your undoing.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I like to reward myself from time to time for practicing healthy habits. A binge every now and then is nothing to feel guilty about, IMO. It is what it is, but remember to view it as occasional reward for a job well done! Then jump back on the healthy wagon and keep pluggin away! :)

    But I feel so yucky! I think I'd feel better about myself if I made up for the calories by burning them off?

    Is there even such a thing as burning off calories from a past day???

    Of course. Isn't that what we're doing every day when we lose weight? We burn off calories we ate in the past and were stored as fat, just like any excess calories we eat today will. I try not to stress about getting the whole calories in vs out deficit thing balancing on a daily basis. It's just as effective on a weekly basis. 1500 extra calories today, spread over six additional days, means if you eat just 250 calories fewer than planned each day for next six days, you're back on track, like it didn't happen. (Just don't cut your daily calories below 1200, regardless.)