Aussies: Liquid Breakfast



  • Amber86queenbee
    No suggestions but bump for the Ideas - I'm quite addicted to up and go.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I also drink up and go.

    If i have slightly more time i make a breakfast smoothie from:

    - 1 banana
    - cup of milk
    -scoop of unflavoured protein powder
    - 1/4 cup oats
    - sometimes some blueberries.
    Wiz up in blender

    If i had no up and gos in my fridge and no time to clean the blender if it is dirty or get it out etc. Then another option is to grab my shaker bottle dump in some protein powder, milk and whatever flavour i want (some vanilla essence, some instant coffee or some chocolate powder etc). No way near as healthy though as the above option.

    I got my shaker bottle from woolworths. They were selling them (pink Shape ones) with a trial packet of shape protein powder. I hate shape, but i like the bottle and it was a very economical way of getting one. I've also seen them for sale at Rebel sport.

    Sometimes i'll take my shaker bottle to work too with a scoop of protein powder and make up a coffee shake with the milk and coffee at work. Makes for a good afternoon filler if i'm starving as i often am in the afternoons.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    get up earlier??? lol
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Home made mocha - 1/2 tsp coffee, 1 tsp cocoa, mix with a little bit of hot water, add cold milk and stir or shake. I don't add sugar but you can add it if you like it sweeter..
    You could easily make this the night before and just grab it out of the fridge in the morning.

    Personally though, I need something a bit more substantial for brekky - if I was in your situation I would take an apple or banana or plum and a peanut butter sandwich or home made veggie muffin (make a big batch and freeze) or boiled egg (already peeled). You can get all these ready the night before and grab them from the fridge to eat on the go.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Okay okay, but what if I make "the next excuse" and tell you that time is precious for me in the morn... and a blender is not something I have right now. :p

    Get yourself a cheapo stick blender, chuck some milk, fruit, (unsweetened) yoghurt and supplements of your choice (e.g. protein, fiber...) into your thermos, blend for 30 sec or less, dump in some ice, and you're good to go. Easy to slip that into your morning routine. I actually chuck my morning coffee in too when I go for the fast smoothie brekka.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    get up earlier??? lol
    Hah. If it was that easy, I wasn't asking for a routine change/suggestion, was I? Want to know my routine?
    I get up at 4.40 and then I'm at the gym for a minimum of an hour. I get home, have a protein shake (300 cals, a filler) and then get myself ready for work while I get my little one ready for day care and my big one ready for school. I then leave home at 7.30, drive over half an hour (in traffic) to drop my little one off, then a further 15 minutes to my son's school/my work.

    So forgive me if I'm a bit time-poor in the mornings and I want a liquid/quick breakfast.

    Cheers all the lovely ones :) I have a shaker bottle (Mine IS an aldi one, they were $2.50 or something stupidly cheap so I picked it up, came with a whisk ball and everything) :D
    CAn I make fruit smoothies in advance and freeze them?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    i like isowhey double choc
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    UltraSlim chocolate or cappucino shake
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    There is only one true aussie liquid breakfast .... and it is not healthy to be drinking it at the start of the day ...

    bah hahaha. Love it. And it is totally healthy.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    I have used the Sustagen big tins for a while now, those are really tasty. However since I am watching my carbs I have switched to Natures Way Instant Protein, it's $15 for a smaller tub, but has less carbs and calories and a lot more protein. Of course it's not as tasty as Sustagen, but it works for me. I would recommend either of those.
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    CAn I make fruit smoothies in advance and freeze them?

    I think that would work fine, as long as you put it in the fridge the night before!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i use natures way "slim right accelerator program" shakes. i pay about $15 for a tub and that lasts me a couple of weeks of breakfasts and i drink it with low fat milk instead of water because i hate water shakes taste....

    i also boil about 8 eggs at a time at the weekend, and leave them in the fridge. and just peel and eat a cold boiled egg on the way out the door. that gives me plenty of energy for hard work outs, PT sessions etc. without running out of energy.

    don't buy the "full shakes" they are terrible and don't give me enough energy at all (i even wrote to them to tell them how disappointed i was with them compared to the slim right accelarator program".

    i love the boiled egg. when i'm ravenous, and really want to eat something that fills me, the egg does the trick.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    get up earlier??? lol
    Hah. If it was that easy, I wasn't asking for a routine change/suggestion, was I? Want to know my routine?
    I get up at 4.40 and then I'm at the gym for a minimum of an hour. I get home, have a protein shake (300 cals, a filler) and then get myself ready for work while I get my little one ready for day care and my big one ready for school. I then leave home at 7.30, drive over half an hour (in traffic) to drop my little one off, then a further 15 minutes to my son's school/my work.

    So forgive me if I'm a bit time-poor in the mornings and I want a liquid/quick breakfast.

    Cheers all the lovely ones :) I have a shaker bottle (Mine IS an aldi one, they were $2.50 or something stupidly cheap so I picked it up, came with a whisk ball and everything) :D
    CAn I make fruit smoothies in advance and freeze them?

    They'll probably separate a little as they thaw, and they won't be all nice and frothy, but give it a go and see how it works out for you.
  • androidgal
    androidgal Posts: 46 Member
    could you invest in a cheap blender...its so fast to make a healthy smoothie, no additives except your own...chuck any fruit or fruti juice and blend with a superfood green product or spinach and a dash of water....then drink...rinse the blender under the tap and its done.....more healthy than commerical shakes...and no after taste like a lot of them have or powerdery bits of luck and I love belvita too....if im running late and really dont have 5 mins for smoothie making lol:drinker: