Is there a difference here? with pics

I started my weight loss journey in November, when I joined MFP. I am the dictionary definition of yo-yo dieter, though I have really changed how I eat and approach nutrition and exercise. I am a binge eater, which often makes it difficult for me to deal with stress in healthy ways. The first two photos are from December, when all I was really doing was watching cals and doing some basic cardio (running, riding a bike indoors) and dabbling in free weights. I weighed 172. In January I started 30 Day Shred and extended it over 2 months with continued cardio and cal counting (1200 a day, eating back exercise cals). The next 4 are this past Friday. I have upped my cals to 1400 a day and continue to eat back exercise cals. I am now working through Ripped in 30, again taking 2 weeks for each level. I also add in running and additional cardio. My exercise goal is 270 minutes a week.
I know my clothes fit differently, and people notice a weight loss, but I'm not seeing much when the covering of clothes disappears. Please, if you see a difference, tell me, and specifically, if you can. I plan on wearing the green bikini at the end of June and would like to be in much better shape. I'm most worried about cellulite in my legs and the pudginess around my middle. *sigh*

[img] /December2011_2.jpg[/img]

[img] /December2011_3.jpg[/img]

[img] /March2012_2.jpg[/img]

[img] /March2012_3.jpg[/img]

[img] /March2012_4.jpg[/img]

[img] /March2012_5.jpg[/img]


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    (Trying to fix the links for you... gotta user lower case img, the "direct link" code, and replace the %20 with a blank space. Hit the quote button to see the code. :wink: )

    And... holy cow! Yes there's a difference! You look great!!! :drinker:
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    (Trying to fix the links for you... gotta user lower case img, the "direct link" code, and replace the %20 with a blank space. Hit the quote button to see the code. :wink: )

    Thank you--this is a &%$* to figure out--I've been trying so many combinations!!
  • grumpya
    grumpya Posts: 54 Member
    YES YES YES you look great, your belly is definately smaller, under the bust you look much better toned and your thighs have definately got smaller. You look like you are a natural pear shape, but you certainly look smaller on the belly & thighs to me. I think you must be at least a dress size smaller on your lower half. Well done!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    MFP's really sensitive when it comes to code. I'm a former web developer and it's confusing! :laugh:

    For your next batch of photos, make sure your album name doesn't have an spaces. IE, "MFP1" instead of "MFP 1."
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    I see a definite difference - congrats!

    ETA: I'm still waiting for my current in-progress pics to look like your before ones. LOL!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    Absolutely there is a difference! You are smaller all over, looking stronger and more toned! Funny how it is sometimes hard to see the changes yourself! Be proud. What you are doing is terrific and inspires me to get the dust off mt weights! Thanks for sharing!
  • mrsladybrewer
    mrsladybrewer Posts: 70 Member
    Fantastic job! I see a difference for sure. Especially in the stomach and thigh region. Great work!!
  • allycat54
    allycat54 Posts: 67 Member
    Huge difference!! You look smaller everywhere!
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Big difference!! Keep up the good work! Congrats!!
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    Under arms and thighs I noticed straight away. Your thighs are looking much smoother.
  • Pearles52
    There is definitely a difference. Good job on the photos. That is a great way to notice and log a difference when a person wants to transform their body. Keep up the good work!
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    While the improvement is obvious to us I understand that you are having problems seeing the improvement so here is a specific. In the first frontal shot look how much of your inner thighs are touching. Now look at the bottom frontal shot. Great improvement isn't it :love:
  • ineedthis4me
    Yes, you can see a difference - great job! Keep up the hard work.
  • Tiki1978
    Tiki1978 Posts: 364
    I can see the difference! :) good job!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    There's a definite difference all over. Thighs, waist, midriff, arms, everything is smaller and more toned. Great work!
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    OK, I LOVE whoever shrunk my photos! You are my hero--I HATE this photo stuff!