Can i learn from example and view your diary? :)

Hello hello,

I joined MFP last year, after losing a stone (14lbs) and lost a further stone yay :) by counting my calories, going to the gym and generally living what i thought was a much healthier life style.

However counting calories became quite an obsession, my calorie intake started to become less and less (600-900 per day) and weighing myself became a 3 x daily activity. My energy levels became less than manageable and I was so so tired all the time my fitness levels started to reverse almost until i eventually gave up and went back to my old ways of binging on cakes, sweets, pizzas, etc..

Ok so i have now put on 7lbs (oops!!) and have decided its time to buck up and finish what i started.. only 21lbs to go!

What i would really really love is to be able to watch, or follow, your diaries! Your healthy, consistent and imaginative food & exercise diaries so i can stay on track. Is there anyone out there who wouldn't mind a slight stalker occasionally logging in and seeing how you live??

My cardio is going to increase shortly as i'll need to be cycling 10+ miles per day for work and college and to maintain a social life and i'm not sure which sort of calorie intake i should aiming for?

Thanks in advance for all your ideas and help :D


  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 74 Member
    You can view mine, its open.

    I LOVE pizza I usually have it once a week, but I try to find creative ideas having it like putting it on tortilla's and stuff! You dont have to "give up" food you enjoy, just modify it!