Holy Gluten!

My friend was telling me about how she's trying a gluten free diet because she's been hearing a lot about the health benefits of cutting it out. She gave me a book to read called Wheat Belly that talks about how the wheat we have now-a-days is a lot different than the wheat that our grandparents used. It has been genetically altered to have a higher yield, less susceptibility to diseases and so on and so forth. After reading a few chapters of the book I decided to try cutting out wheat and see what results I would have. I'm a little unclear about if you can have wheat without gluten or not, so I've just been trying to go with "Gluten Free" labels and cutting out bread and pasta and what-not.

Before I go on let me say that I am a stage 5 weigher. I weigh every morning and usually see a pattern of lose, gain, lose, lose. The gain and the lose in the middle usually cancel each other out and I have a true loss every couple of days (of less than a pound).

So...Friday I was at 8 lbs lost and had a normal day. That night was when I started reading Wheat Belly. Yesterday I weighed and I was up .8, giving me a YTD loss of 7.2. I didn't eat any wheat (or gluten I guess) yesterday and ate around 1400 cals. This morning when I weighed myself, I was 2.6 lbs down from yesterday morning!!! This gave me a YTD loss of 9.2.

Now I know I didn't burn 7000+ cals yesterday, so I'm assuming most of that was water weight, but a loss is still a loss (if it's healthy)! I also felt really good yesterday, usually I am tired a lot but I felt fine most of yesterday. I also have had a rash for a while that is less red today than it was yesterday.

I just wanted to chare my story. Hopefully you guys find it interesting!