2 weeks and only .6lbs lost. What am I doing wrong?



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Eat less. If you want to lose weight you need to eat less not more. This is common sense

    Didn't read the Topic posts, did ya?

    Common sense doesn't mean you understand body energy needs and metabolism.


    And many many more of people realizing what doesn't work beyond a short time, and being given advice by those wiser that experienced the wrong direction.

    Well all I can say is it has never failed to work for me, each to their own.
  • koutroulakis
    Well, I can speak from my experience and it is very frusterating...I used HRM, bodymedia band, worked out like crazy and logged every morsel of food. But I couldn't get the scale to budge. I finally went to the doc and my blood pressure was way too high...he put me on meds that had a diuretic in it...I lost so much water weight and in the process of trying to cut out sodium high foods discovered I was also sodium sensitive. If I eat more than 1500 mg (most people can handle 2500mg) I gain 4-5 lbs of water instantly and then it takes days to get the water to leave my system...I would start wacthing the soduim
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Well, I can speak from my experience and it is very frusterating...I used HRM, bodymedia band, worked out like crazy and logged every morsel of food. But I couldn't get the scale to budge. I finally went to the doc and my blood pressure was way too high...he put me on meds that had a diuretic in it...I lost so much water weight and in the process of trying to cut out sodium high foods discovered I was also sodium sensitive. If I eat more than 1500 mg (most people can handle 2500mg) I gain 4-5 lbs of water instantly and then it takes days to get the water to leave my system...I would start wacthing the soduim

    Is all okay now? That must have been really frustrating!!
  • koutroulakis
    Yes, I'm doing better my blood pressure is getting into a more healthy zone and I'm finally relieved to see I have been losing weight you just couldn't tell b/c I was so bloated with water weight. thanks for asking
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    You're probably gaining a lot of muscle.

    Wrong. If I burn 2000 calories and eat 1500 calories, I'm going to weigh the same no matter if I'm working out or sitting on the couch. It's possible muscle will be gained, yes, but that much more fat will have to be burned to offset the mass.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Make sure you are eating the right foods and drinking water.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Alright, after looking through your diary, it's time to throw out some numbers for the last week:

    Net Calories:
    Monday: 804
    Sunday: 1029
    Saturday: 1095
    Friday: 936
    Thursday: 1070
    Wednesday: 1091
    Tuesday: 990

    Average: 1002 calories a day. Now let's look at some more numbers.

    You don't list your height, so I'll assume you're an average of 5'5". That puts your BMR at 1403. Add or subtract about 16 calories per inch you deviate from 5'5", so the difference is negligible.

    You average about 200 calories of exercise a day, but don't list how active you are. I'll assume sedentary. That puts your total calories burned around 1603 per day, assuming a normal metabolism (which may be assuming too much, given how little you eat).

    You're averaging 1002 calories a day and burning at least 1603. That's a deficit of 601 calories per day, or 1.2 pounds per week. Clearly you're not burning that, so that leaves a few possibilities.

    1) You're not accurately measuring your calories consumed or burned. A HRM will be accurate enough to measure your calories burned. Calories consumed just need to be closely monitored and recorded exactly. If it's not that:

    2) You have excess water weight. While annoying, this doesn't hurt anything and will probably eventually work itself out. If not that:

    3) The assumption you have a healthy metabolism is incorrect. Since you eat so little, it's possible your metabolism has slowed down. When this happens, studies show that it decreases by approximately 40%. That would mean that your BMR of 1403 is actually closer to 842. Regardless of whether this is the case or not, you should be eating at least as many net calories as your BMR. You're nowhere near that right now, and your body is consuming your muscle to ensure your organs remain functional.