I think I need to break up with my scale



  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I'm 5 days into my "no scale month" which is quite difficult already!!! But I recently upped my calorie intake about 40% and have started a heavy lifting program (NROLFW) so I know that for the first few weeks my weight is going to go up and then hopefully back down, so I didn't want to be discouraged when I know that in the end this program will work how I want it to. So I am not weighing in until 4/21!!!!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I usually weigh every morning when I first wake up. I've been maintaining my current weight (within 2-3 lbs up or down) for the past couple of months. I find that instead of celebrating my workout victories (longest run to date at 7.33 miles yesterday) I obsess over the fact that the scale is up 2lbs since yesterday and freak out that I ate ice cream with caramel sauce last night which put me over my calories by 100 or so. It's dumb and I KNOW that a day or two slightly over calories isn't going to cause me to magically gain a few pounds but it's still my first thought.I think I need to break up with my scale for daily use and make a plan to only weigh in on certain days. Anyone else having the same problem? Frustrated and looking for support/advice I guess. :( Thanks guys.

    This is why it may not be wise to weigh everyday.

    Bear in mind also, that when you run, the next day you may have water weight ESPECIALLY if the training session had been a particularly gruelling one, this will, indeed, affect your weight the next morning.

    Set aside one day per week as your weigh-in day and stick to it, it will enable you to get a hold of the obsessive thoughts that are cramming your mind at the moment - you can do without those lol.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    I'm the same way(; If I weigh even a half a pound extra I start freaking out ;P which I *know* is stupid... Everyone fluctuates a pound or so; so I weigh in every Friday morning (... EXCEPT if I had a cheat day the day before lol) but I almost always weigh in on Fridays(: and I try not to let myself weigh in any other days.

    I gained a pound or two this past week because I had a CRAZY cheat day earlier this week, but I know it'll drop(; just gotta wait(:
  • coopersmom2006
    I doing it! I'm breaking up with the scale. I'm going to move it to the hallway closet this evening so I can resist the temptation to weigh in first thing in the morning. I think I'll try weighing myself only 2 times a week at first. **someone hold me**
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I weigh every day. I know that I wouldn't be able to stick to only once a week. So what I do is make it only count on Saturdays. So if on Monday it is up a pound or two, I don't count it, I just concentrate on the rest of the week and count it on Sat. That way, I am not so upset at the fluctuations.
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I only weigh myself once a month. I do it right after my tom. My weight fluctuates too much from day to day and I give too much power to that little digital b@#tch of a number!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Great run! And I can totally relate to you. I had to stop weighing everyday...especially after a long run! I only weigh once a week and I am much happier.
  • coopersmom2006
    Great run! And I can totally relate to you. I had to stop weighing everyday...especially after a long run! I only weigh once a week and I am much happier.

    When I first joined last week I asked about gaining a little after really pushing myself on a run. A few people said they'd had that happen, a few thought I was nuts I think. I'm SO happy to hear it's not just me. I'll make sure to NOT weight in after upping my distance for a few days. Maybe I'll try to weigh on Fridays. That seems to be a safe time as it's before my long run (going to up my distance by at least 1/2 mile each week when I feel capable) and before my bottle of wine night with the hubby. :tongue:
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I broke up with my scale a little while ago.
    We still see eachother like... Once a month. if that.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I keep saying this over and over for some of us the scale is the ENEMY. Dump it.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I find the scale useful when shedding fat.... it's not necessary with calorie counting, but i don't want to have to continue calorie counting for much longer as the scale is a much more simple tool. however, when i am maintaining the scale is relatively useless. i measure myself by my fitness goals. i'll jump on the scale every few weeks or so, but i expect to be fluctuating within 2kgs during maintenance.

    i don't know if the issue is with your scales or with your ticker. if you're going to add strength when only a few pounds away from your ticker goal i would ditch that goal unless it is mid healthy bmi.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Start a new relationship with your tape measure. >_o
  • Captian_Dathon
    Stop the religious measuring, dear! :)
    Measure your inches, and weigh yourself on the scale once a month. If you did really good that month, the results will show and it is very empowering!
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    Start a new relationship with your tape measure. >_o

    cheating on the scale?????? You naughty thing, you ... **giggle**
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I did a month long 'scale cleanse' and it worked wonders. I'm weighing every other week now, but focusing more on inches and how I feel. I used to weigh every day and obsess over the numbers.
  • coopersmom2006
    Start a new relationship with your tape measure. >_o

    It was giving me the flirty come spend time with me look yesterday. Hmmmmm.....