For those who eat "clean"

I'd love to know what your typical day of food looks like and the impact it's had on your health. How do you feel? Has it helped weight loss/maintaining goal weight? Thanks guys.


  • Bump...I know there are some clean eaters out here today.
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    Ok idk if it's completely clean, but I make alot of my own veggie soups- celery, tomatoes, spinach, corn, add seasoning for extra flavor. Alot of salad with fat free Italian dressing. Tons of veggies -cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, carrots, pretty much all kinds. Some fruits maybe one a day-apple, grapefruit, banana, strawberrys, pineapple,
    But I do feel alot better and have more energy
  • Swopkin
    Swopkin Posts: 53 Member
    Switched to being Vegan a month or so back which means I eat a lot of fresh fruit and a lot of vegetables. I try to avoid fried stuff like fries or chips and I must say my skin has improved a lot. I used to suffer a lot of acne, especially on my forehead. Right now, most of it has cleared up. I'm also constantly filled with energy which motivates me to sport more.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I've never really eaten "dirty," to be honest, but the "cleaner" my diet, the better I feel.
    Could this be a purely psychological effect? Yes, it could, but if eating clean means less guilt/anxiety about eating, then I'll happily continue.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I try to eat as clean as I can but I also fall off the wagon a lot. But the cleaner my diet, the easier I lose weight. I crave less junk food. I tend to eat less overall but feel more satisfied. I have more energy and I'm less moody. I've learned once I give into sugar, I don't tend to stop wanting it for the rest of the day.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    A typical clean day is :

    Oatmeat/natural peanut butter or greek with fruit

    mid morning a banana w/ a low fat cheese stick

    lunch is usually left over dinner, so maybe a lean pork loin with a salad, for dressing I use olive oil w/ balsamic vinegar

    if I'm hungry for a snack I'll have mixed nuts and fruit

    dinner changes alot but one one my favorites is mahi mahi wrapped in uncured ham and grilled, veggies and baked potato w/ sour cream

    For me clean means staying away from processed foods and sweets (regardless of how made). You'll find each person has difference definations of clean. I can't do sweets, even if made with clean sweetners they are my achilles heel.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I am allergic to dairy and gluten. My diary is open. Personally I think I eat pretty awesome. Loads of protein, and the most processed foods I eat are soy products and pea protein powder. I just feel fantastic eating like this, my energy and blood sugar are great and stable all day every day, I don't get sick, I never get headaches, and frankly any 'dirty' food tastes gross to me these days. Also, I'm 108lbs and maintaining on 2100+ per day. I am going to attribute part of that to clean eating.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    When I eat cleaner I definitely feel better all around. This weekend I haven't really focused on it, but typically it means minimal processed foods and more natural foods.

    Veggies, grass fed meats, if I'm really eating clean I usually avoid dairy, or I'll avoid only cow's dairy. Just anything that has ingredients you don't understand on the label, don't get it :)
  • urbansmamma
    urbansmamma Posts: 202 Member

    Smoothie which changes, but today i had kale, cucumber, celery, parsley, apple, kiwi and lemon

    Vegan Chili - beans, canned tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, cumin, cocoa powder, garlic, oregano, chili powder, corn
    Salad- spinach, red onions, tomatoes, cucumbers topped with red wine vinegar and lemon

    Red Lentil Dal
    Put spinach on the bottom of the bowl and add dal on top. Top with avocado, onions, cilantro

    Red Velvet sorbet frozen raspberries, cacao, bananas, dates. Blend and freeze
    Apple with almond butter
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    Eggs. Whole grains, chicken, fish, furit, veggies (some junk) ... Never felt better!!! I still have some junk food, booze etc but generally pretty clean.. I had McDonalds the other day and felt like crap.. I guess when you are off it for so long it makes a difference
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    The cleaner I eat, the less stomach problems I have. I work rotating shift work and I found that staying up from 9 pm til 7 am and eating crap food was wrecking havoc on my insides. For the past month and a half, I've committing to really stripping things down, staying away from processed as much as possible, filling up on lean proteins, low sugar fruits, lower starch veggies, minimal carbs, healthy fats, and low fat probiotics and I feel AMAZING (and that's not even touching on the 11 pounds I lost). My stomach isn't distended or bloated, I feel full and sastified, have energy and just feel great. Usually in the past I would eat clean for a week or two, and then fall back into old habits. Now I think it's finally sticking; I don't even crave ****ty food like I used to. I did have some McDs about two weeks ago after not touching it for a solid month (which was a HUGE accomplishment for me), and I couldn't even finish it. It tasted like garbage, and I had MAJOR stomach issues when I got home after eating it... that basically said it all to me. Garbage in, garbage out! :)
  • eberz1000
    eberz1000 Posts: 16 Member
    BREAKFAST: Oatmeal, rice milk, 1 piece of fruit, handful of nuts or tbsp of coconut oil

    SNACK: Handful of raw almonds/nuts/ piece of fruit

    LUNCH: Salad with half a cup of beans or lentils as a base

    SNACK: Half a cup of beans or raw nuts or sweet potato with coconut oil

    DINNER: Beans (again, sorry I'm vegan ;) ), steamed broccoli/ spinach/ other vegetables, piece of fruit

    SNACK: Hempseed protein, chia seeds and rice milk in a shake/pudding
  • eberz1000
    eberz1000 Posts: 16 Member
    I magically don't crave fast food/junk. Really, never have. My only weakness was nut butters, so I cut them out. It seems drastic to cut them out, but I'm a very all or nothing type of person, and according to Psychology Today, my penchant for the stuff was a genuine addition:

    "Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (gambling) that can be pleasurable but the continued use of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work or relationships, even health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others."

    I would literally get jumpy if I ran out. On my worst day, I ate a whole jar.