over 50 and Not completely new, but getting braver..

I found MFP just before the new year, and have been struggling along since then.
I've always had problems with my weight, and have never really been successful before, so I'm hoping that this will finally get me there. The problems have been partially due to my metabolism, but more due to me - I like food. I'm a 'comfort eater'. Now, being over 50, this is making it even harder to lose.

I have health issues that limit my abilities to do the fabulous exercise routines that I read many folks working on. I'm trying, and hoping to get to my goals.

Re-adjusting for the 'new weight' today was depressing - 110 less calories a day.


  • lottielady
    Hi, I started on MFP a week ago and it's weigh day tomorrow so fingers crossed. I am 46 and am finding it harder to lose as I get older. Like you I love food, love cooking and enjoy eating, Well done with the weight loss it must be doubly hard as you are limited for exercise. Good luck with the new calorie intake.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there is a great thread that would be perfect for you. It is called "Women Ages 50+" and it is a very supportive and encouraging group of women, many of whom have health issues that limit their ability to exercise in all the traditional ways. I hope you will join us and ask your questions and tell us about yourself and have the same successful journey.

    here is the link.


    I am looking forward to having you join us.

    :bigsmile:Barbie from NW Washington
  • Droope2
    Droope2 Posts: 82
    I am 36 and have been on MFP about 2 weeks, I like you have difficulty losing and can not do the elaborate exercise either, I have Hasimoto's disease which is an under active thyroid that also attacks my immune system, I also have Fybromyalgia and am in constant pain, one other set back is my severe depression, the medications I take do not make losing weight easy at all.
    I am scheduled for gastric bypass in the fall but in the meantime my nutritionist suggested I start here.
    If you would like another friend to work through this, please add me, I would be happy to work through all this with you.