Finally reached my goals, then lost it due to serious injury

Hi all,
First I am happy to be a new member of this site. 8 weeks ago I survived a nearly fatal car wreck, I flipped my car off the side of a mountain after losing control of my car (a top heavy SUV) by dodging an animal in front of me on a wet road during heavy rain. I was thrown throughout my car several times and ended up with a total of 20 fractures in my body, 10 in the pelvis, a broken ankle, 2 fractured vertebrae in my lower neck, a broken hip, and several broken ribs. I had extensive surgery and several metal pins/rods to put me back together. Prior to this, I had been exercising EVERY DAY for almost 2 hrs a day (yes i know that is over doing it) and had finally reached my goal as far as weight and body fat. Well, needless to say, after the wreck i was unable to move or even get out of the hospital bed for about a month. Then after going home i spent about 2 weeks in a wheelchair then was moved to crutches. I just got out of the boot for my broken ankle last week and was told that my fractures are healing and I am now allowed to bear weight on my left leg and start standing and trying to walk again. I am allowed to use low impact machines such as the recumbent bike, elliptical and arc trainer, but cannot use the treadmill or walk yet. I am very depressed because in this amount of time i have lost a large amount of muscle (or at least it just became completely soft and like jello) and put on about 10-12 lbs. I ate a lot of healthy food however I know i overate for how inactive i was. Now I am very upset that i have taken such a step back and lost what i worked so hard for. I cant get the motivation to even start one day on a diet!!! I really want to lose this 10-12 lbs as fast as possible without losing muscle. Can anyone recommend a good plan that is somewhat easy to stick to but can result in quick weight loss? I will be able to workout for about 45 min- 1 hr everyday at a medium intensity. Thank you so much!!


  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    WOW! Congrats to you on making it through such a horrific accident. Walking is a good exercise, low impact and good for your mental health too! Are you working with a physical therapist? He/she should have some good suggestions. Re: eating, eat "clean" keep processed foods out of your diet and you'll do pretty well. Remember, your body is still healing and you need EXTRA calories because your body is repairing itself! Good luck to you in your continued recovery.