getting discouraged, need help!

I started my journey in November of 2011 with a SW of 165. I am struggling to meet my goals and resist sugar! I have some small losses followed by weeks of no loss. I crave sugar and soda constantly and feel like the cravings are not getting better. my current weight is 142 and my 1st weight loss goal is 135 before June 1st. I do 5 days of cardio along with 3 days of weight training but I can see very little difference in my pictures. Any suggestions, motivation, encouragment is welcome :)


  • scarlieoh
    scarlieoh Posts: 18
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    I can't see your diary, but with that amount of exercising, I hope you're not starving yourself! Do some strength training (the heavier kind). And have fruits! It definitely helps with the cravings and have lots of vitamin and fiber, without the problems that processed sugar brings.

    Without knowing more about you, this is pretty much all I can suggest.

    Still, you've lost quite a lot, you should be proud.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    Sounds like you have a good weight loss underway. You've lost a little over 20 lbs since November. That's almost 1lb per week. I wish I could manage that consistently.
  • jpogany
    jpogany Posts: 4
    Hellow Ammerlou! Don't give up. I am not sure what you are eating but it sounds like you are certainly workout out enough. Are you using the calorie counter?? I wonder if you are working out and burning 300-500 calories, but then consuming just that in sweets/soda? You have to be burning 500 more calories/day than you consume to lose a pound/week. Try not focusing on avoiding soda and sugar too. Try drinking more water/flavored water and mixing in zero calorie soda in a limited amount if you MUST have the bubbles. I bet if you add more water, you won't be thirsty for soda. And the sweets thing, don't cut them out. There is no reason you can't have sweets in moderation. I find the 100 calorie packs of snack very helpful. I think you are setting yourself up for failure by trying to cut soda and sweets out completely. If you have been having them right along, seriously, giving them up is asking yourself too much. Not only are you working out like a dog, but not treating yourself to a small treat is silly. I use sweets as a reward FOR working out. I love chocolate and find jello chocolate pudding snacks just good enough. Granted, it isn't a chocolate bar...or a hot fudge sundae, but I even have one of those every now and then. The other thing about weight loss is are you measuring your body??? thighs, waist, hips, arms??? I bet you are still trimming down even though the scale doesn't say so. If your clothes are fitting better but the scale isn't moving, no worries. What people tend to do is pick a weight and insist they have to weigh that. What you cannot account for is how much fat your body actually needs. You have some fat around your abdomen. Depending on how tall you are, you may be down to a 18-20% body fat already and may NEVER lose the last 7 pounds. My point is, it is about more than just the pounds on the scale. Don't give up! Track your diet, LIMIT soda and sweets and be selecting in what sweets you choose, start measuring your body instead of weighing it...and you will be golden! Good luck!
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    I think your doing well. I am hungry somewhat and drink tea with lemen and some splenda. That helps me.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    Honestly... have some sugar sometimes!(: Do you ever have cheat days? It sounds so backwards, but I actually lose *more* when I have 1-2 cheat meal/snack/day in a week.

    Craving sugar and soda? Have diet soda(: or try sparkling/flavored water. There's a brand called 'Ice' and there's NO calories in it!(: Personally, I prefer it to diet soda(;

    My favorite sugar-y sweet snack is Sugar Free Fudgesicles! Only 40 calories per pop! Aaaaaand *no sugar*!!!(:
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    Instead of soda, which has 12 spoons of sugar per can, maybe you could get yourself used to Koolaid made with gradusally less sugar. If you like iced tea, start with a couple spoons of sugar, and gradually reduce it. I also drink it through a straw, because then I get the sugar from the bottom. By the time I get to the end, the sugar is gone, but the tea quenches my thirst. You can do the same with iced coffee. Start with a couple of sugars, and taper down. I also like to cut orange juice with water (currently 50/50) Plain juice now tastes too sweet to me. Baby steps! I see all the little guys on your lap. You must need LOTS of energy! Don't be too hard on yourself when you mess up, just be patient, and remember, tomorrow is a new day! And every morning, say, today is a new day!

    When my kids were little, I realised that I put leftover food from their plates into my mouth, I hated to waste it by throwing it out. I had to get over that by telling myself "I am NOT the family garbage can!" I had to stop sabotaging my potion control. And money was tight with growing kids needing new shoes and clothes, and me not working. But I made sure to buy myself some (inexpensive) makeup, or clothes as a reward when I lost a few pounds. Sometimes your needs must prevail, because usually the kids and hubby's needs come first for so many ladies. Show yourself the love- do what you need to do to get healthy and fit. Good luck!
  • Young Lady, I mostly read all posts. I have not seen anyone suggesting that so I will try. Have a little pure honey when you have your sweet-tooth bugging you. Eat snacks or small portions every couple of hours. DO NOT starve yourself. you think you can trick your body but your body knows when you are starving it . So it's trying to retain everything. Fruits are good but orange and bananas are the worst. Have some caffeine and high protein bars 25-30 grams of protein each to satisfy your sweet tooth.
    After exercise have a protein (I get six star double chocolate) drink with 500 ml of 1% milk and a tsp of pure cocoa powder. Mix it well.
    Don't give up you are doing very well. The protein will feed your muscles and will convert the sugar and will burn the fat slow but steady. Have a good breakfast with oatmeal and half of tbs of honey and flax seeds and some a tsp of ground cinnamon, and a small Greek yogurt 2-3 times a day, if you are in Canada get Astro Balkan style and in USA Cabot 2% . But the secret is don't let your self starve. And the most important, take care of those sweet little faces.
  • ammerlou
    ammerlou Posts: 18
    thank you everyone. You all are so kind. I am using the calorie counter and I am considering upping the amount of calories i eat daily, but not with sweets..going to try a high protein/low carb for a few weeks and allow my self a treat each day.
    I have been doing the strongman lifts for one month and have found myself failing on the first set this week and I read that can be due to not eating enough. This is complicated! thanks again for the encouragement.
  • Keep those carbs up. Carbs give you energy. This might help
  • I would suggest taking measurements. The eye can be deceiving and if your scale is anything like mine, its a biotch. Keeping track of your measurements is GREAT motivation for me. I normally lose inches before I ever lose lbs.
  • littledeak
    littledeak Posts: 17 Member
    Follow all most all mother's advice. Be patient, keep doing the right thing and you will be fine.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Good advice here, and of course everyone is different. But if after weeks you're still getting regular and strong cravings, consider if you might be missing something from your diet. Change is hard, but after awhile of less sugar or fat, people's taste change, what used to taste normal can taste too sweet, so less sugar will be enough. Maybe you're still adjusting to a different diet, but consider if you're missing something?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    thank you everyone. You all are so kind. I am using the calorie counter and I am considering upping the amount of calories i eat daily, but not with sweets..going to try a high protein/low carb for a few weeks and allow my self a treat each day.
    I have been doing the strongman lifts for one month and have found myself failing on the first set this week and I read that can be due to not eating enough. This is complicated! thanks again for the encouragement.

    Definitley make sure you are eating enough... cutting calories too low is just a quick way to burn out and giving up.
    And if you are running around looking after those little cuties in your photo, you definitley need to eat plenty to give you energy to keep up with them!

    And, don't make it too complicated. If you have a particualr reason to go low carb, then go for it, otherwise "banning" foods when it's not necessary just makes you feel even more deprived and makes it harder to stick to.