Am I asking too much??



  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I feel like this post can't be real. Are you really upset your kids are eating more healthy food? Or do you just want to gripe and moan that the healthy food costs more and therefore you will have to pay more if they eat healthy food. Well honey, the cost you will pay for your family eating healthy is a lot less than the cost of bad health!

    You misread the post. OP isn't upset about her teens eating healthy. Her kids are athletes. She WANTS them to eat healthy. But there are things in her house meant for certain people and her teens go through EVERYTHING. It's not the everything part that's the issue. It's the fact that 1) they are eating things specifically meant for other people and 2) they're not always practicing good portion control. It IS possible to overeat even on healthy stuff. Even if they are teens and athletes, portion control is important.
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    To me it all comes down to respect. If I tell my kids that are certain item is not for them to help themselves to, then they better darn well leave it alone. There are plenty of other things for them to eat and they have enough respect for their mother to do as they are asked. The OP is not whining or being selfish but feeling let down by her children not doing as they have been asked.

    I have a shelf on the pantry that is theirs to help themselves to and a shelf that they MUST ask before touching - doesn't mean they can't have it, just that they have to ask first. Whether the foods are healthy or not is immaterial, they are being rude and disrespectful and I cannot believe that so many of you think that is acceptable.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    Thank you, KittyGamer and saragato. You two understand exactly what I am trying to communicate.

    Just for sh1ts a giggles...anyone want to take a guess at how much our weekly grocery bill is for healthy, good food (we do NOT buy much processed food...maybe pasta and an occasional frozen pizza - my husband and I both love to cook, so we make everything from scratch - my husband even bakes our bread. He's trying to perfect sourdough now...but I digress) for a family of 7 runs? Even shopping at the discount grocery stores? ( I love Aldi's!). Keep in mind my athletes...18 year old is a work-out /soccer fanatic; 16 year-old boy is a wrestler (oh my gosh can this kid eat!), and the 14 year-old is a basketball/cross-country runner training for his first 5k. Groceries are expensive! So yes, when I put a very few select items to the side, and I go to get them and they are gone, yes! It ticks me off!

    Tonight went well, though. Everyone has been doing great and the weather was beautiful, so for a special treat we made ice cream cones. I made the cones for the kids this time, and everyone got their fair amount. They love Neapolitan ice-cream, so I made sure everyone got a good amount of each, without making a big deal of it. The last time we did this, I let the big kids make their own. When I went to make the little guys cones, someone had eaten all of the chocolate, and all of the vanilla, leaving the strawberry for the little guys. :smile: Not even a dent in the strawberry...smh...that took some work!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Has to be a lot! I have a teenage brother back home and my grandmom can barely keep up with all he eats!

    Kind of glad I only buy for me xD
  • Fridaydalek
    Fridaydalek Posts: 28 Member
    Might be tricky with frozen food, but find a way to stash, lock the food away...

    ...and, importantly, don't feel guilty about it. You're feeding your kids, you're making sure they are healthy. If they "graze" at other times and it's potentially undermining your own efforts then you have to act.

    It's not being crazy, it's doing the right thing for you. Keep smiling!
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    I moved back home a while back... and my mom will buy cakes, cookies, tubs of ice cream, and all kinds of different bread. I buy my groceries separate and hide what I can in my room. I have one drawer in the fridge and I try to make my stuff look very unappealing lol Like I open everything and put it into re-useable tubs to make it look like leftovers and whatnot.

    The thing in my house is that she can easily buy some of the things that I buy to try to be healthier but she won't (because it's more expensive) =( Everyone claims they don't like water but the minute I put a case in the fridge it may last 2 days. So I say do what you gotta do.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member

    here is the solution i have come up with. i put my special things in the top cabinete one that isnt seen very often and overlooked. or the bottom crisper of the fridge. if it isnt on his eye level in the fridge when he is dying of hunger he wont take it.

    HAHA - I hide my Diet Dr. Pepper in the veggie drawer - no one looks in there!

    Even better, I would hide my treats in a bowl with aluminum foil on top in the back of the fridge! No one EVER touched them again!!!
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236

    here is the solution i have come up with. i put my special things in the top cabinete one that isnt seen very often and overlooked. or the bottom crisper of the fridge. if it isnt on his eye level in the fridge when he is dying of hunger he wont take it.

    HAHA - I hide my Diet Dr. Pepper in the veggie drawer - no one looks in there!

    Even better, I would hide my treats in a bowl with aluminum foil on top in the back of the fridge! No one EVER touched them again!!!

    Oh my - I am laughing so hard right now! That is pure brillance! It would sit in there for months, and nobody would touch it! Funny, funny stuff!
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    When I lived with my parents age 16+ I bought some of my own food because they didnt eat anything I really liked so fair enough I bought my own which is only fair but my brother who was 3 years younger ate my food. i wanted to eat different to the family so I bought it.

    My mother bought alsorts of fruit, yoghurts, crisps, ready meals etc for us and my brother would eat all of it and then my food too. Leaving me to have nothing to eat and id have to go out because they only things he'd leave were foods I dont like and have never liked. My mother never did anything about it and my brother piled on weight he got bullied and is now anorexic.