Any other Military people out there??

I am in the Navy and I eat at the galley becuase I have no way to prepare my own foods I live in the barracks Im having a hard time making healthy choices and I am also fresh out of bootcamp so I am still adjusting to this lifestyle I just need help I actually gained weight and I cant afford to gain anymore I feel like I am restarting my fitness journey because even though I can run and all and I am more fit but I am not as lean as was when too bootcamp I enjoyed preparing my own healthy meals which tasted real good and now I am unable to do this I have also seen the GNC Lean Shake System I am curious about it has any one tried them?? I use to just drink whey but I want jump start getting back in to being lean again


  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well I am prior active navy and am currently in the Navy reserves and I have to lose weight for the PRT next month. When I was active I actually worked at a galley for 2 years before getting out and what I suggest to you is dont eat from the speed line, always go to the main line and try and get a salad with lunch and dinner, you dont have to eat the whole thing but before you start on your main meal try and eat at least 6 bites of the salad first, but dont put dressing on top of it, put it on the side of your plate and eat a little at a time. I know that galley food isn't always the healthiest but there are options there, you just have to figure out which healthy options work best for you. Dont eat the dessert. I know they look yummy but buy something sweet and healthier and keep it in your barrack and let that be your go-to sweetness for the day. For breakfast if they are offering made to order omlets ask for an egg white only and put whatever veggies you want on it and go light on the cheese. Dont rely on your command PT for your excercise, utilize the gym on the days you dont PT. I know how you feel about the weight gain, I actually gained 5 pounds in bootcamp, I wasn't used to 3 solid meals a day at that time. and believe me you will eventually get used to the life style, your first year in will be a big adjustment but its managable. Feel free to PM me anytime of you have any questions about anyhting thats on your mind.
  • guildwars1987
    guildwars1987 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm in the Army and was in the best shape of my life while I was deployed to Afghanistan. I used supplements to include Protein N.O. Xplode and Cellmass. I think that the protein shakes are a really good benefit because they fill you and they don't taste that bad. I've seen the Navy do PT out on our field and honestly you should probably do some extra PT on your own. Also, getting out of Boot Camp or BCT you can stop some of the discipline and eat what you want when you want and it's hard to adjust.. I'm sure that you can get some idea of the calories in the D-FACs. Eat the green items apposed to the red or yellow items. Worse comes to worse get a to-go plate and measure that in your room with a digital scale and get as close as you can to the calorie count.