Should I alter activity level to suit each day?

Hi peeps,
I started back with MFP after Christmas and have got back down to my lightest since having my children which is more or less the lightest I've been in 10 years since I started a desk job.

So I am aware now the hard work starts as I am starting to plateau. So I really want to get my calorie goal as acurate as possible.

On a work day I can be sat at a desk anything from 6 to 10 hours. On a non work day I am usually on my feet for 12 ish hours looking after my two toddlers.

My question is, should I be using sedentary for work days and lightly active for non work days? Or is it safer to just go with sedentary everday? Do any of you change your activity level everday to suit what you are doing?

Open to any advice, many thanks.


  • bump, i wanna know too
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    The activity level is more of an overall life activity level. if you don't workout regularly or engage in any sports, you are most likely sedentary. No need to change it since running after children really doesn't count as exercise.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I wouldn't. If you think chasing after your toddlers burn more calories, then I would just eat more calories and be over the MFP caloric goal.
  • ok, how bout working as a cashier/maintenance person 3days a week for 10 hours a day(this week at least) my hours will vary everyday but I'm literally on my feet for all but 10 minutes for lunch, I haven't really worked out exorcise days yet, but I'm planning 2 days a week. Should I up my activity level or just log the 10 hours under exorcise because my weeks will vary, this was a training week so I got all my training hours out. Next week I only work 10 hours in 2 days.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    In that case, I would just set your activity level to lightly active, and call it a day. MFP isn't set up where it remember different caloric goal daily. If you change your caloric goal today, it will change all your past days to this goal.