Sugar Intake

Would it be possible to add a column for sugar intake? It is known that too much sugar can also add weight.


  • Yeah. Go to the food tab, then select "settings." I added sugar to mine. I found out it's really hard not to go over. My banana this morning added a lot to the total :/ But a banana is better than a candy bar...
  • DietPep1978
    DietPep1978 Posts: 202
    Yes you can...go to my home then settings. You have five choices of what to track and you can change the goals to be whatever you want.

    All the best!
  • honeysucklelilac
    honeysucklelilac Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, that was easy.
  • SummerAlaina
    SummerAlaina Posts: 11 Member
    I just wanted to let you know that I read quite a few articles recently about sugar intake. Most of the articles say that the sugar consumed from fruits, veggis, and milk products can be ignored when figuring out you daily total. This is because they are naturally occurring sugars and much less harmful. That being said it's best to not go overboard with those thing either, 2-4 servings of fruit per day. All sugar added from processed foods, adding in cooking and beverages are what you need to look out for. It's weird that MFP doesn't differentiate between the two, but I just do the math myself. I subtract out the sugars added from natural sources and then focus on not going over with other types. I just googled daily sugar allowance and found many informative articles on the subject.