Hello everyone.

Hi guys. My name is Cheri. I'm a 26 year old single mom, working and going back to school. Before I got pregnant I was one of those girls who could eat anything and exercise rarely..if ever. I hung around 130 lbs (5'7"). Then Rory came along, my doctor insisted on "restricted activity" because of complications and somehow my metabolism went down the drain. When she was born I weighed 197. After a few months I got stuck at 160-170. About 6 months ago I downloaded the myfitnesspal mobile app. I did great!....for two months anyways. After losing about 15 lbs I gave up, gained it all back and then some. I quickly gained weight, now I weigh 185!! It's time to get serious. I don't want to go it alone this time...so here I am. I'm hoping to find support and make friends. (:


  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome back! I am really new to all of this! I just started 2.5 weeks ago. I am a SAHM of 5 kids! I am trying to drop at total of 33 pounds. I have lost 4 so 29 to go. Best wishes!
  • Hey! I'm new as well. I need to lose about 30 lbs to reach my goal. I'm looking for friends who can motivate me and I will give back support as well. :)