Injured and can't exercise

I'm brand new, need to lose weight, and currently am injured with a bad hip problem and can't do any exercise. I'm desperate to not gain weight and figure out how to lose a little while stuck at home rest. Any suggestions?


  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am gonna make a confession here: I haven't exercised in a couple of months. I was in a car accident at the end of January and hit my head. My doctor told me to take six weeks off from the gym and its been a few weeks longer than that. I am following the MFP calorie suggestion and have been losing steadily without any problem at all.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    eat at a deficit, like the site is designed, you will lose weight without exercise
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    As long as you are under/at the calorie goal set by mfp you will still lose.

    For now just rest up, I hope you feel better soon. When you are up to it try some light exercise, there is something called Chairobics which is aimed at the elderly/injured. I was in hospital last year to have a procedure and have only been able to exercise for the last couple of months, at first I started gradually and then I slowly built it up and do quite a bit now but I ended up doing chairobics (There should be a free video on demand at - the instructors name is David can't remember his surname though) I'd consult with your doctor before you do start anything though but take it easy for now.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I believe you can still exercise. Your hip is only one part of your body. Lift weights while sitting or laying back. Ask your doctor about exercises you can do. Life without exercise is very depressing, especially with an injury.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Sorry to hear about your hip. I had arthroscopic hip surgery in Dec of 2010 & was out of commission for a while. Fel free to friend me.

    Ask your doctor what, if anything you can do. Be careful. I did too much too soon & ended up with hip flexor tendinitis which FYI hurts like hell & put me back on crutches for 3 weeks. Hips are hard to heal so follow Dr instructions. Stick to your calorie deficit.

    Maybe work upper body with hand weights for now.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    can you not do any upper body exercises either? I watched a program once about exercise where if someone could not exercise one leg, exercising the other leg just by itself even helped improve the injured leg. Just wondered if maybe you could workout with some light weights and do some bicep curls and other upper body exercises. Just a thought.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    know how you feel.. i had knee surgery in September.. and it is still very painful.. i push through it.. but some days i can't (the last three for example) in fact i just bought 30 day shred.. and relized i can't physicall do anything on the cd! crap. so , i am going back to working on more upper body stuff and light walking to compensate for it..
    maybe try swimming?
    Hope you heal fast