Weight gain during "that time of the month"

Hey ladies, just a quick question. How much weight/ if any do you typically gain/ fluctuate during your time of the month? Does your gain consist of mostly waterweight/ bloating? Or do you tend to end more/ splurge on cravings ect?


  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    They say that the average women fluctuates up to 5 lbs over the course of a month, due to... nature haha. In my experience it's mostly water weight and I do tend to have less impulse control when it comes to food, but through tracking my food and being able to see exactly what I'm eating and when it's easier to control or plan for. I'm not going to completely cut out all the foods I like, nor do I have to, as long as I plan them in accordingly and have the willpower to eat a SERVING and not a CONTAINER of said food haha.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I don't tend to gain during that time unless I give in to the intense sweet food cravings I suffer and pig out on wheat based, sugary foods like cake and cookies/biscuits.
  • During those times i've gained up to 3kg's. You can't imagine how frustrated and angry and "damn it all to hell" i've felt when i first strarted to pay special attention to weight fluctuation. If you feel this way, don't worry. That extra weight goes away in the next few days after your period is over. Just keep eating right and continue to exercise (if you can).
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    My boyfriend can always tell by looking at me when it is coming.. haha. I tend to get really bloated and retain water. If I weigh myself it is usually around a 3-5 lb difference. I usually lose it after it is over though. To stop or prevent it, I take Diurex or drink red wine vinegar shots the week before to prevent the water gain.. I don't know if it works for anyone else, but it has always worked for me. Infact, it is time for me to measure, but I am waiting because it is on its way and I can tell a difference in my body.... time to do my shots :wink:
  • stormyous
    stormyous Posts: 150 Member
    Ihad my period last week and I didnt gain at all.
  • I have a newfound LOVE of my time of the month! Why? Because I rarely gain weight during it (if I do, it's like 1 lb), but then a day or two after it ends, the weight suddenly melts right off!

    I was 4 lbs less than I was a week ago when I had it. It's cool that now I can think of it as a blessing in disguise :).
  • Momma1213
    Momma1213 Posts: 56
    I gain anywhere between 2-5 pounds. Most of it goes away after it's gone but I notice that I tend to keep about a pound or two so not all of it is water retention. Frustrating to say the least but now that I track my food it's a little easier to keep it under control. Nice to know I'm not alone!
  • I almost always gain about 3-4 pounds that will stick with me for up to 2 weeks (week before and week during). It is MADDENING to combine that with the mood swings, the carb cravings and just generally discouraging. So, when that weight comes back off, I do wonder how much "weight" I've actually lost (which right now, isn't much, since I'm only on day 3).