Apple Cider Vinegar

I've seen a couple of times now (on the net) claims that apple cider vinegar is a helpful aid for weight loss. While I was able to find only one small clinical study which suggests this, I saw quite a few user comments in various forums saying that once they started incorporating ACV into their diet, the lbs fell off.

The idea is that you drink 2-3 tsps of ACV about 15 mins before each meal and apparently it will aid digestion, reduce water retention and reduce cravings/suppress apetite. I have a history of binge eating and tend to relapse every couple of weeks. However, I started drinking ACV Saturday morning and so far (it's currently Monday morn in Australia), I have not felt the urge to binge at all, whereas it is usually an all-day battle. Placebo effect? Who knows.... anyone ever tried the ACV 'diet'?