Weight Loss

I live in S. Indiana. I knew what I was doing to myself all winter by sitting and laying around. I am hypothyroid and that makes it even worse. I also have NAFLD which makes it worse.

I joined the YMCA again. I like going up there and working out. I go by myself. When I belonged to it before a friend joined and wanted to go EVERY DAY. I enjoyed going about 3 days a week and if I was bored on Sunday I went as a treat on that day. It made me not like going by doing this and so I dropped out.

I am going to do this and no one is going to make me not like it this time. I have to drive a little over 27 miles one way to get there.

When you get out of breath when you try to do something and I have gone two times and am already sore and have not even gotten into weights. I am going to start my workout plan on the next visit for doing weights. I am even thinking about doing some of the water exercised.

If anyone wants to be my friend in this endeavor, please do and let me know. We can keep up with our progress. I will keep posting on here also.

Have a great week and don't give up, I am not.