New to the site

Hi! I am new to this site. Looking for a better way to keep track of my eating habits and exercise. I am always trying to lose weight, seem to be on a yo-yo. Lose it and then gain it back again. Hoping this will keep me honest and help me reach my goals!



  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP,
    I've been on here for about 7 weeks and finding it a great
    help as it doesn't encourage 'crash diets'

    If fancy giving and getting some support feel free to add me.

    (I'd also reccomend setting your food diary for freinds to
    see as I found that it helps me make better choices knowing
    my friends can have a look).

    Good luck with your weight loss journey
    Nicola xxx
  • CaloriaHernandez
    Hi and welcome, I am new too, just joined today. I've been struggling the weight battle for a long time too.
    I've done the exercise and calorie counting routine before and it helped - for a while. Then I couldn't exercise for a few months and gained all of it back.
    This time I made myself a plan. Hope it will work for me. It won't hurt to try anyway :happy: .