Hummus and Hommus

Is there a difference?

I tried hommus for the very first time (based on all the people who seem to adore hummus) and it was very good. I'm hooked!

So I was wondering if there was a difference between the two?


  • Pirate
    Pirate Posts: 30
    You made me curious with your question so I went online and looked. This is the information I found:
    "It's the same thing.

    It's not an English word, and wasn't spelled with the same alphabet, to there might be some variation in the way it's transliterated to English.

    Other examples are Muslim and Moslem, Quran and Koran. Hindu used to be spelled Hindoo, Pune, a city in India, is also spelled Poona."
    ? I guess it's the same thing. :)
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Is there a difference?

    I tried hommus for the very first time (based on all the people who seem to adore hummus) and it was very good. I'm hooked!

    So I was wondering if there was a difference between the two?

    Its a regional thing. Alot of countries around the Mediterranian, Mid-East, South-west asia have their own version. Some countries even have different versions of the same thing. It just comes down to language differences and the variety of ingredients.

    Same thing with Gyro/Shawarma. Iraq calls it a Guss. Turks have a Doner. It just depends where you go. Its like taco bell. Burrito, taco, enchillada.... same ingredients, made a variety of ways, all tastes the same. All ends up in the same place. Your toilet.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Ahhh, thanks for the info!

    I just had the roasted red pepper one....I'm excited to try the garlic one next. Mmmnnn....

    xsargex, my husband says the same thing, "everything I eat turns to s**t!"

    Now if I can only keep my daughter from eating it all....
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    last night I had the red pepper hummus over a (very small) baked potato - no butter or salt - and it was FANTASTIC!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Ahhh, thanks for the info!

    I just had the roasted red pepper one....I'm excited to try the garlic one next. Mmmnnn....

    xsargex, my husband says the same thing, "everything I eat turns to s**t!"

    Now if I can only keep my daughter from eating it all....

    Your husband is very reasonable and must be proud.

    Hummus is great though. Its low cal/low fat. I use it to replace condiments on my sandwiches/burgers and what not. I used to put mayo on everything, now I just whip up a huge bowl of hummus. Lasts for like a week. You can jam so much nutrients into it. I grind up raw spinach and mixed vegetables in mine. especially when a batch comes out way to thin...I just throw in more veggies to thicken it up.

    Also if you check your local ethnic stores (if you have any). If you can find a family own Indian, Pakistani, or Arab grocier. Alot of the time they'll carry whole-wheet breads. Alot healthier then any bread you'll find in a store. No sugar, no preservatives or artificial garbage in it. Alot lower calorie. And just tastes better. Cheap.