Change exercise strategy to break plateau?

I've recently been stuck in my third plateau since I started losing weight nine months ago. I track everything I eat and while I do go over my daily goals at times, I have a weekly net calorie deficiency. I've lost 60 pounds in nine months, but I still have a spare tire and man boobs that I'd like to lose. So I've been considering making a shift in my exercise strategy. To this point I have been mainly focused on cardio with strength training as secondary. I can definitely lift more than I could when I started six months ago, but I think I can do better. My typical weekly workouts looks as follows:

Circuit Training - 30 min
Elliptical - 15 min
Arc Trainer - 15 min
Walk/Run - 30 min

Strength - 30 min
Elliptical - 30 min

Tuesday - Rest

Circuit Training - 30 min
Arc Trainer - 30 min

Thursday - Rest

Strength Training - 30 min
Walk/Run - 30 min

Strength - 30 min
Elliptical - 15 min
Arc Trainer - 15 min
Walk/Run - 30 min

I'm thinking about making strength training my new focus, reducing cardio but not eliminating. Is this a sound decision? Increase muscle to burn the fat that I can't seem to with cardio? Is my cardio really varied? Advice and critique of nutrition and exercise is welcome.


  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    I just read an article that say's every 2-3 weeks you should have one day where you eat like normal without worrying too much what your eating. It's supposed to reset something in your body, then you start losing again. I haven't tried it since I'm losing pretty good right now. So not sure if it works or not??