Help, I am addicted to food

I am 5'8" and weight 152 pounds. I am not overweight according to the charts but I have extra weight on my frame. I have always loved food. It started with a family that taught me to eat everything on my plate and my love for good food at fancy bistros. I have since taught myself how to cook amazing meals. I believe I am addicted to food. Sometimes its funny and sometimes its scary. I used to hide food in the bathroom closet and eat in the middle of the night. Its not just one type of food (sweets, meats or chips) I love everything. When people catch me eating too frequently or eating a whole bowl of salsa they make a comment. I feel like I have no self control. I just started MFP and can tell by my food diary I eat way too much. How do I learn how to respect food and not eat for fun but for nutrition only?


  • powerofhope
    I understand your feelings. I too, am addicted to food. I love it! Plus, anythign I usually do socially is a gathering around food. I am also an emotional eater...happy, sad, tired, whatever, I want to eat.

    I started my diet going on 3 months. I have been using MFP for about a month. Logging my food has been good in helping me realize just how much I was eating, and when. It also has helped me be more aware of portion control.

    I know it is a daily, sometimes hourly struggle against the calling of food. I don't have alot to offer u at the moment, except that you are not alone.

    Good luck!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    I couldn't agree me more with you! I can be the same way. Everywhere I go it seemed like there was food, food, food.

    I agree with power of hope. When I started to track everything and look at it all, it put it into focus for me. I was eating way to much food all the time. Just start logging and see how you do! I know now that I am can see everything I strive to eat healthier and eat the right portion rather than extra rice there, a couple fries here, or a couple of chips!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    Are you able to identify why are binging when you do it? Honestly, I would talk to a therapist about this.

    Personally, I love food. I love to eat. I'm not ashamed of that fact, but I do understand what you mean.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    I overcame my "eat everything on your plate" conditioning by reminding myself that whether the excess food is in my stomach or in the bin, it is still equally wasted, and at least in the bin, it isn't doing any harm.

    You have to eat for fun, you just have to not over-eat for fun!

    I agree with the poster above me: if you are hiding food to eat it, that's slightly alarming binging behaviour, and talking to a therapist might well do you a lot of good to get your relationship with food back on track.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Ok.. where to start? :)

    It sound to me that yes, you do have a true love for food... but it doesn't sound like it has quite crossed the boundary of an eating disorder. (or has it?) I know plenty of people who are in good shape (not under/over weight) and LOVE food... and eat ALOT... but it doesn't mean its a problem. Hiding food in the bathroom, however, did come off a little strange.

    Do you feel guilty after you eat a bunch? Sounds like you only feel guilty because others are making you feel that way. if you are not gaining weight and do not feel like you are depending on food to get you through the day (i.e. emotional eating), then I don't think you have anything to worry about and I would think you are totally normal.

    However, if you feel like most the times you want to eat are triggered by some type of emotional response (i.e. you got angry or upset, were sad or lonely, suddenly felt stressed, and noticed you wanted to eat), then yes I'd worry. Also, if you find yourself mindlessly eating and once you are done you think "hmmm... where did it all go so fast" or "wow, i hardly remember what that tastes like, now I'm hungry for something else since that didn't help".... then that is a big sign it could be caused by emotional eating. If you would like to talk more about this you can IM me.. i have personal experience with battling and overcoming this!
  • gonzoschicken
    gonzoschicken Posts: 5 Member