Deployed and NOTHING TO EAT!

Ok not really, but anyone who has deployed before will understand what I'm talking about. My food choices are severly limited and often during meals the only choice in a veggie that I have will be a barely stocked "salad bar" if you can call it that. I'm just wondering if there are others out there who have come up with ingenious ways to have good meals with out just sticking to eating nothing but chicken breast for months on end. Any ideas or things that people suggest that I could have friends and family send in a package? This is my first deployment and once I get back home I will never take my kitchen for granted!


  • Happybunny37
    Happybunny37 Posts: 145 Member
    Salad bar if and when you can, I had my family send me tuna packs, soup, cheese and cracker, send your address ill send u a box!
  • Ninitonkers
    Ninitonkers Posts: 37 Member
    Salad bar if and when you can, I had my family send me tuna packs, soup, cheese and cracker, send your address ill send u a box!

    Thats so amazing! You guys really do stand by each other. Send me your address and I will send you UK treats (healthy) x
  • jailee813
    jailee813 Posts: 29
    Thanks so much! It's always a good day to get something in the mail... I sent you a message with my address!
  • Hey, I just sent you a message... :)