Strength Training workouts -need help

Hey guys!

I've recently started working out/ Ive been doing cardio for the past week and now I'm looking to incorporate some strength training. I don't know how to do strength training, how many times a week should I do it, what parts am I supposed to work out, any routines that you could suggest?

I have access to gyms so any type of machines or non machine workouts will work :)

Much appreciated!


  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    I just sent someone a message asking for help too. I can do cardio all day long but weights are where its at. If you get some good advice please send it my way.
  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    You can check out my blog ( where I posted my beginner weight training routine :)
  • pobski
    pobski Posts: 42 Member
    Great choice to start strength training! It's very rewarding. Being a beginner and admitting it puts you ahead of most people at the gym. You have the opportunity to skip all the fads and get started on the right foot.

    You want to start with the simplest routine you can still make strength gains with. After several months of training, your lifts will start to stall and that's when you'll want to switch it up.

    There's a program called Starting Strength that will be perfect for you assuming your gym has a squat rack and bench. Being a beginner, your lifts will go up just about every time you go into the gym. It's addicting! Here's a link to that program.

    Very informative thread there and explains why to use it over other programs
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    2-5 times a week. talk to others in the gym--especially the ones in shape who seem to know what they are doing. Work on good form rather than just big weights. Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for a spot. Try to run 2-3 sets of 15 reps on various exercises first. When you can do that go heavier and down to @ 8 reps per set. Don't work the same muscle group 2 days in a row.