in serious need of some motivation

so i have a serious problem... i was doing great with working out eating healthy, etc, and losing weight for about a month... then i lost all motivation to get up and work out and i have definitely been slacking in the food department... i have gained most of my weight back and i know i need to start up again but i just cant get myself to stick to it for more than 3 days... anyone have some motivation tips that will keep me on track... i need help :-/


  • jmjatlanta
    For some, diet and exercise is a chore. It is a huge process with many labor intensive steps. It looks like a huge mountain. For others, diet and exercise is a lifestyle.

    What worked for me is not making radical changes to my routine. I don't have the mindset of "Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be at the gym 7 days a week and eat nothing but raw vegetables." Instead I started with "Right now, I'm staring at a cookie. My goal is to have the self control to not eat it."

    Goal setting is more complicated than what one would think. Here's a good (IMHO) first goal:

    For the next two weeks, I'm going to log everything (good, bad, and ugly) I eat in MyFitnessPal.

    Think S.M.A.R.T. goal setting:

  • Amylind13
    Instead I started with "Right now, I'm staring at a cookie. My goal is to have the self control to not eat it."

    LOVE this, I had to do that last night, my daughter didn't finish her cookie and did the typical thing... "Here mom, I don't want the rest." I was very pleased I had the self control not to do my typical thing and eat it! :bigsmile:

    Goal setting is more complicated than what one would think. Here's a good (IMHO) first goal:

    For the next two weeks, I'm going to log everything (good, bad, and ugly) I eat in MyFitnessPal.

    Think S.M.A.R.T. goal setting:


    This is excellent advice and exactly what I plan to do. It really helps me not to snack too much, just knowing I'm gonna have to enter it in my diary. :smile:
    Amy :~D
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    I agree with what's already been said. I set small daily goals. (I'm not going to have a sugary desert, I'll have a couple strawberries or flavored water instead of soda) I always remember to celebrate my daily victories, it helps keep how far I have to go from overwhelming me. Maybe instead of the gym everyday, think about a walk around the block. It may not be a huge calorie burn, but you're up and active.